why? they set themselves up as a sanctuary city, yet expect not to pay for the hordes that will come there. if you want to play mr goodguy as a city be prepared to play it to the hilt, ie food, housing, employement, not just beg for a bailout.
no, i am saying these cities want these legal immigrants to come there, yet want others too foot the bill.
Great argument if you don't use any critical thinking. Having lots of open jobs and relatively low unemployment drives up wages. Unless you import cheaper workers. What do you think happens to wages for low skill jobs when there's a sudden increase in available workers? Have some compassion for them, man.
No we can't, we already have a $1.7T deficit. This is like offering to pay your neighbors mortgage while putting all your own expenses on credit cards you already can't pay.
That would be great if you haven't recently complained about higher prices for goods (and don't care about shortages of certain goods). Just making sure, you haven't, right?
that would only be the case, if they’re following the rules to seek asylum. Since the vast majority of them are not, then they would be illegal. Further, the vast majority, and by that I mean almost all of the immigrants coming here, claiming asylum do not qualify for asylum. I stand by my position. We cannot ignore our immigration law so you can have cheap fruit cocktail
All anyone has to do to qualify for an asylum heading is surrender to an ICE Agent and ask. You are 100% wrong if the immigrants are here awaiting their hearing. And again, I ask, in what world is it a good thing to have 1.5X more open positions than unemployed? And yes, this situation is good for wage growth, but that also means inflation. And we just went through a period of very high inflation. And the result is now 8% or higher interest rates. And talk of taking them higher, because inflation still isn't below 3%. We should allow those awaiting asylum hearings to work. If asylum is granted, great. If not, allow them to stay if they pay for a guest worker visa. It's better for them, and better for us as it keeps costs lower. And their kids grow up to be productive workers too, and will help with future Social Security worker to retiree ratios.
More complicated than that and also irrelevant. Most criminal immigrants don’t surrender to ice, they flee them. Further, putting all the procedure issues aside, most criminal immigrants do not meet the standard to qualify for asylum. “Wanting a better life” doesn’t qualify you for asylum. break the law, get booted out…permanently.
I would prefer immature to being corrupt enough to say the over, overwhelming majority of those “seeking asylum” aren’t lying through their teeth. I find it difficult to believe that any rationale adult would buy such horseshit so those that do must either be complicit or corrupt.
so true. We can’t reform our immigration policy when people come to table unwilling to acknowledge the cheaters, and are also unwilling to dictate consequences for the cheaters.
Even though most won't ultimately qualify for asylum, that doesn't mean they don't qualify for a hearing. Many immigrants do surrender and do request asylum at the border, knowing they will be allowed to stay while waiting for a hearing. And the immigrants in question are all asylum seekers, temporarily here legally, awaiting their hearing. And frankly, I don't care about the cheaters. The question is what's best for the country? Already over 9 million job openings, and 6.4 million on unemployment. We would absolutely destroy our economy if we spent billions deporting all undocumented while creating 8 million new open positions. The result would be stagflation, a massive recession plus likely double digit inflation. Who wants this so we can punish people guilty of misdemeanors? And this devotion that we must serve the law is also wrong. The law should serve us, not the other way around. Scopes didn't deserve punishment for teaching evolution, and Rosa Parks didn't deserve punishment for sitting in the front of the bus. And the millions of immigrants here for years, working, and not causing trouble shouldn't be punished either.
That makes no sense. If you’re a legal immigrant you don’t need a sanctuary from anything. You’re just anti immigrant. There is no other explanation to why you are conflating them.
Then what? These people don’t leave. Can we agree that all of these people should be forced to vacate the premises, and if they don’t do so voluntarily and we are required to use force, that these people are banned indefinitely?