Seems these 5 cities…. All sanctuary cities…. Think so. Chicago mayor in D.C. in push for federal funding amid migrant crisis
Just unclear why they would need any funds for a manufactured crisis. from the cerebral New Yorker Donald Trump, the Migrant Caravan, and a Manufactured Crisis at the U.S. Border Calif. governor: border is 'manufactured crisis"
There is a simple way to mitigate the burden of asylum seekers who by the way are considered to be in the US legally while their requests for asylum are pending, provide them with work permits. Logically conservatives who complain about "parasites" relying on government assistance should be in favor of allowing a class of persons with a work ethic that's off the charts should be in favor the expedited issuance of work permits to legal migrants. New York Businesses: Give Immigrant Work Permits To Asylum Seekers
Aren’t those cities run by the same people who have told us for years that illegal immigration pays for itself through economic productivity?
What does your comment about illegal immigration have anything to do with the article? The people we are talking about are here legally
It's a trick question. Anything other than round them up and deport them means you want open borders and hate the usa.
No,they brought this on themselves,wanting to be the bastion of help for people they cannot provide for.why should the rest of the country pay for their liberal attitudes?
The BLS currently states there are 9.6 million open jobs in the us. Unemployment sits at 3.8% (6.4 million). Those seeking asylum and here legally aren't qualified to fill all the jobs out there, but what's the harm in giving them work permits? Heck, what's the harm in giving undocumented persons legal work permits for that matter. 8 million of them in our current work force. Imagine the damage that would be done if we deported all them and suddenly found ourselves in a situation with 6.4 million unemployed, and 17.6 million job openings!
Janet Yellen: America can 'certainly' afford to support Israel and Ukraine, US Treasury secretary says If this is true, then I dont think cost is a factor. In fact we should spend that money so we cant afford two wars, so this seems like a better use TBH.
the feds sends hundreds of miilions out annually with much of it going to Texas Department of Homeland Security Announces Distribution of More Than $290 Million in Congressional Funding for Communities Receiving Migrants | Homeland Security (
I see no reason why those immigrants who are here legally should not be given work permits. I also don't see any reason those immigrants should also be required to have COVID vaccines. I mean we wouldn't let that professional tennis player in the country without one.
I see no reason why folks that live here shouldn’t have work permits New rule, asylum applications are only accepted on the 3rd Monday of the month of any leap year.
Novak Jokovich (I know I butchered his name). I thought it was just Australia though. I might be wrong.
Novak Djokovic, unvaccinated and unable to enter the country, won't play in the U.S. Open. Foreign citizens who have not been vaccinated against Covid-19 are unable to enter the U.S. or Canada, and the tennis star has said he won't get the shots.