Anarchy is cool too. Maybe we implement your ideas and cap state funding at 20% of state budgets? 15 of the top 21 taker states are red and could use less of our money. For a Benchmark California is 17%. The States That Are Most Reliant on Federal Aid
I see a much bigger correlation with population size. Not a single state you have listed is in the top 20 for population if my quick check was correct...
Maybe we cap it at 21%? 22%? How many dollars should we limit states from getting vs how much they raise? Should we ensure there is a net even flow of funds?
Well maybe if you decide to live in a small state you should not expect to be subsidized. There are fixed costs that big states spread out over more people I guess but a lot of the states that are takers have low taxes too. Why should I a NC resident pay for Alabama to have roads I dont drive on or feed their poor children? I get 89 cents back in NC for every dollar we give. We have our own citizens that need help here. NC citizens matter.
Since you believe government spending to be waste, you think it is better to borrow the wasted money than to tax to get it?
So it’s wrong to feel some satisfaction when I play by the rules but those that don’t are held accountable?
I play by the rules too. I just don’t get it, the excitement of growing govt so they can go waste more money. Not sure who the bigger crooks are…those who didn’t pay taxes or the govt.
As to your perception that much of government money is wasted, where did that come from? What is it based upon?
I do not disagree. Outside the interstate of course. I just think this has far more to do with size and rural vs urban…
It’s based on its long history of being bloated and inefficient. It literally doesn’t exist without taking from the private sector.
That’s not really an answer, but ok, government tends to be less efficient than the private sector. But the private sector just can’t do certain things. As to waste, which of the following do you think has massive waste: - Defense - Social Security - Medicare - Medicaid - Interest expense on debt
Wow! If that last sentence reflects how you really feel, that's a pretty sad reflection of your value system. It seems that white collar crime is cool with you. Maybe we should all just stop paying our taxes. That'll teach em.