So they sat down and decided when my life began? I find that hard to believe. I wouldn't be alive if my Dad hadn't been born, and his dad been born, so how can that be the case? Seems like a long chain of events had to happen for me to exist, long before science and medicine even existed. If you want to reduce my existence to two people having sex, I suppose that's your right, but it doesn't mean anything, and has nothing to do with science or medicine, who made no such pronouncements as a field.
Also, I'm fairly certain "science" and "medicine" made abortion possible, so I question your fealty to those concepts
What does science and medicine say about a being with no heartbeat and no brain activity? Because before 6 weeks, a fetus has neither. And no real brain activity until around the 15 week mark, though there are electrical signals around 8 weeks.
If you as a zygote were separate from your mother, you would be a dead ball of tissue in a matter of minutes.
Your life began at conception as a zygote after your mother and father had sex. We know this. You had your own DNA separate from your mother. You had your own chromosomes separate from your mother. Your development began at that time. I know it is hard for you to understand. But Medicine and Science has proven this!
Medicine and Science prove that your life and my life began to develop separate from our mothers at conception. Our own DNA and our own chromosomes.
No, I understand how I was born and conceived, but when my life 'began' is a metaphysical question, and is entirely unanswerable because people believe vastly different things that go beyond earthly existence.
No. Your life began developing with your own DNA and your own chromosomes at conception. You were a separate life from your mother.
So is that a no? We are somehow defined as more than chromosomes and bundles of DNA. Because this particular bag of chromosomes and DNA thinks there is more to life than that.
No. It is actually quite clear. But for some reason you and others do not want to accept what we know because you understand it is evil to kill the most innocent for convenience. And you are playing mental gymnastics to justify the evil you support.
It is fact your life began to develop at conception. You were a separate life from your mother when your development began.
I literally wasn't separate. Neither were you. Separate means the ability to physically move the two apart. You have no capability of doing that at that stage. Regardless, you still aren't answering the question. You are running to your safe, rote responses to avoid critically thinking. I'll ask it again: are you entirely defined as a big bag of chromosomes and DNA or is life more complex than that?