Except for expressing one's distaste for distasteful move by a magazine from a distant land. Do that, and by golly, you must be anti-freedom!!!
that’s where this becomes just silly. Not even the hardest of hardcore ideologues thinks that old wrinkled guy is ‘hot’. And certainly not magazine hot. He might be super nice, intelligent and kind but ‘hot’. Negative
The ole suckering useful idiots to promote your article for free. Mission accomplished Maxim marketing team!
No sir...that ain't Arial. She went black, and you know what they say about that! (But yes, I did mean 'aerial').
An American magazine published a photo of a transgender person in its best selling issue and a noted lingerie retailer used the same person in its ad campaign (see bottom photo).
I actually agree. I'm not sure what they were thinking when they chose a rather unattractive person who still looked like a man in drag when they could have selected the person below (an Australian actress who is starring in a British television series) if they were trying to make a point. Wentworth's Danielle Alexis asks her followers to judge her beauty against Instagram star Yakiboy | Daily Mail Online How Transgender Actress Danielle Alexis Went From Aussie Mines To Hollywood
Some of you guys are really missing the point here. Let me see if I can help by putting this in football terms. If Sports Illustrated were to have released a list of the top 25 college quarterbacks of all time, and that list included such Gator greats as Wuerfell, Tebow, and maybe even Spurrier. It also had a lot of the Heisman winners on the list as well. However, also included on the list was Shane Falco. Would the list be legitimate? If you were Tebow, and you were on a list of the 25 greatest college quarterbacks and one of them was a fictitious character who never played college football, how would that make you feel? Would you feel that the list was legitimate, or would you feel it was a slap in the face of all of your accomplishments? As a Gator, how would you feel if Shane Falco was included in the same list as Tim Tebow and Danny Wuerfull? Just a different perspective to think about.
You got one right! Take that agree in stride. A good day for you. Might even get a good job sticker for it.
So this thread is about concern for the legitimacy of Maxim magazine? Oh well in that case, lets pick apart your analogy here! Lets get stupid with it! So for purposes of your analogy, think of this person on the list here as someone who played a different position in HS and then ended up playing something else in college when they decide they wanted to transition to a new position. Are you going to say "oh, but we recruited Jordan Reed as a QB, so he cant be on the best tight end list." "Its not fair, he's a QB trapped in a TE's body!" Also I dont know if Trey Burton was ever listed as a QB at UF, but he certainly lined up there from time to time, and I liked it. Enjoyed him more than lots of other Gator QBs in fact. If he appeared on a list of someone's favorite UF QBs I would like to become friends with them.
I think you meant to say that you couldn't care less, but I know what you meant. You're only disapproving of trans people living as trans people when they're outside of the confines of their home. That seems pretty fair and magnanimous to me.
of all the people on this forum, you have to be one of the worst in reading comprehension. Nowhere in my post above that you cite do I make any reference to protecting the legitimacy of maxim magazine. The only thing you got right in your post is when you admitted that you were getting stupid. I didn’t ask how Maxim magazine would feel about x, y or z, I suggested that a great quarterback, such as Tim Tebow, would not like to be included on a list with a fake player. That delegitimizes everything that Tim Tebow did. Again, Tim Tebow, not Maxim magazine, not sports illustrated magazine. But again, you did admit you were going to get stupid. Bonus points for your success on 1 thing.
wow, you take second place behind wgb in Lack of reading comprehension. Show me in my post where I say anything about trans people having less freedom than anyone else. The trans dude in this article had nothing to do with being picked for this ridiculous list. It was the magazine that picked him, not the other way around. #tryharder