This pretty much explains what is going on in, or has happened to, this country. What’s surprising to me is the percentage of Democrats. It’s not just what used to be the Republican Party. “A large portion of Americans on both sides of the aisle favor getting rid of democracy and imposing violence on their political opponents, among other authoritarian measures, according to a new poll. “Thirty-one percent of Donald Trump supporters and 24% of President Joe Biden supporters said democracy is 'no longer viable' and an alternative system should be tried, according to an October poll from the University of Virginia’s Center for Politics.” Large portion of Americans doubt democracy and view violence as acceptable, poll finds (
Hilary first stated that (R) were deplorable, now she's asking for (R) to be deprogrammed. Nope, that's not egging on the (D) base at all...
There is no other solution for people who believe that JFK, Jr. will be VP in 2025 than deprogramming. They need the same treatment as Xenu believers.
30 percent of the population has always been stupid. I thought it was just trump supporters but perhaps it is the far left wing too.
Erick Fromm " Escape From Freedom" comes to mind. Some just want that strongman and don't want to be bothered with the hassles of self governance.
I remember reading Viktor Frankl's "Man's Search for Meaning." That comes to mind too, since it's hard to find some meaning in what's going on today. I've read more than once that Trump loves and thrives on chaos. Well, he should be a happy camper, instead of sitting with that scowl on his face at his trial. I've also heard about chaos theory, though I'm not sure what it is. But it certainly sounds like fact, not theory. Anyway, I'm sure that a strongman will get things straightened out. Everyone will straighten up and start flying right, or else.
This is why you put up guardrails to prevent this type of polarization. Unlimited money in politics has been horrible for Democracy. These 24/7 channels whose profit models are based on division, that have become so embedded with the party they back, has been increasingly problematic for Democracy. If you don’t protect it, it will fall for some version of Authoritarianism.
I am skeptical of this survey. The framing of the question always sways the response. My eyes tell me the far right is physically militant with guns, ammo, MRE, bunkers, etc and on balance the far left is verbalizing a fear based response, but has nominal chatter / assets — it’s a response for the government to put down the far right extremists. The creeping of those ideas into the middle is a construct of social media and fear. These ideas have existed for decades. When was the last politically motivated and consequential assassination attempt in this country? Spoiler: Answer Every modern President has had an assassination attempt on his life List of United States presidential assassination attempts and plots - Wikipedia.
Actually, yes it should. It is to me. This is like football fans getting so sick of getting jobbed by the refs, wanting to scrap football altogether, for street gang fights between the entities represented by their respective teams.