Since the curiosity is killing some people. Here is my self deleted post as relayed in the movie Johnny Dangerously. Aginggator can attest. He was the only person who saw it.
Lol. I love a good melt down. I like that u owned it. We all want to more than we admit on this effing board
Thank you Tommy Tubberville (sarcasm in case it's not obvious) 'What am I here for?': Military families frustrated by delayed promotions, withheld raises and lives put on hold By the way there is a simple solution to the Tommy Tubberville problem. The Senate can simply changes its rule allowing a single senator to block nominations. The rule allowing Tubberville to pull his stunt isn't based on the Constitution or even a statute, it's a Senate tradition. If they really wanted to do so Schumer and McConnell could amend the rules. I suspect that they like that ability to put a hold on nominations so much that they're willing to let Tubberville continue with his stunt.
In the case of the current president it's in reference to the way in he moves. In the case of his immediate predecessor the other meaning of the term apparently applies to one of his preferences.
hahahahhahhaahhahahahahhahahha hahahahhahahhahahahhahahahahhaha hahahahhahahaahhahhahahahahahahh hahahahhahahahahahahhahahah hahahahhahahahahahahaahhhhahah! I cannot stop laughing at Tom Tw@tville falling down these stairs
Can we agree it bad to want any old man to fall down stairs? Or have we lost even that in this country?
He’s holding up critical staffing decisions for the US military. Only a matter of time till it costs something or someone. A fall on his ass is barely punishment.
Don't call it a stunt. What he's doing is treason, aided and abetted by Schumer and McConnell. McConnell may have an excuse, he might be in a deep freeze, but what is Schumer's excuse? To borrow from a Yuletide saying, there's a reason for the treason?