It seems so weird that Emmitt and Deion’s sons played against each other in a Stanford vs Colorado game.
I was very impressed by Coach Sanders' post-game presser. Very composed and 100% spot on with all his responses....
Why they continue to let them get away with their artificial noise makers is beyond me. I guess everybody feels sorry for them
Ok, they just can’t do it while the center is over the ball. As of now, the current amendment allows “the use of institutionally controlled, computerized sound systems (including music), institutionally controlled artificial noisemakers, and traditional institutional noisemakers at any time, except from the time the offensive center is over the football until the play is whistled dead.”
I felt bad for their freshman corner #23 Stoutmire. He got absolutely abused the entire night. I know he had to feel pretty badly at some point. Hopefully he comes back stronger from that.
He took responsibility and accountability. That’s funny because some posters thought he wouldn’t show class and dignity after losses.
Not while the opposing team is on offense and calling out plays on the line of scrimmage. They have to stop the cowbells for that.