Celebrate how Columbus intended.. with a retail sale! The 46 Best Sales To Shop Over The Long Weekend
It's an American tradition to celebrate holidays with sales. Besides Columbus/Indigenous People's Day we also celebrate President's Day, Labor Day and even Memorial Day, the purpose of which is to honor Americans who have given their lives for their country, with sales.
Without Columbus discovering the Bahamas we in America would not have develop capitalism. Totally makes sense.
I don’t get the outcry over Columbus. Wasn’t he single-handedly responsible for diversifying America ?
Christopher Columbus and his men were later arrested & imprisoned for only 2-3 years by the Spanish Monarchy for crimes against humanity - the genocide of the Taino people who had lived on their island peacefully for thousands of years but is now claimed by Columbus/Spain and named as Hispanola - modern day Haiti & Dominca Republic. After his release from prison, Columbus was forbidden to ever return to the island that was once inhabited by the Taino. After Columbus 'discovered' America in 1492, he died only a few years later in 1506. The Spanish that eventually followed Columbus into Hispanola continued the treachory of the Taino people who resisted the Spanish occupation of their island. Those that did not help the Spanish search for gold had their hands cut off & many of the Taino soon bled to death. Under the guise of suing for peace, the Spaniards burned 83 of the top leaders of the Taino alive in their huts. The Taino eventually became extinct as a people due to starvation & unknown diseases brought to the island by these Europeans. Nice, huh. In the late 1890s, the selling of Christopher Columbus Day as a national holiday was just pure propaganda to sell to the American people of that time the idea of the 'great progress' that had been made since the Europeans settled America beginning in the 1600s. It doesn't matter if the natives got in the way - too bad for them.