I will admit that bigotry gets me a little hopped-up. And ? So ? Facile generalizations about eating and activity patterns are also annoying. In my time as a fitness consultant, not surprisingly, most of my clients were obese. Some were morbidly obese, at least by BMI which I consider almost useless as a proxy for health. Zero evidence that any were couch potatoes shoveling down copious amounts of junk food.
“We're learning far more about the importance of the microbiome in overall health.” Looks like I may be gaining a convert to the Terrain Model!
Things like canola oil, rapeseed oil, sunflower oil, etc. are higher in Omega 6 than Omega 3, which means they are inflammatory. Certainly way less inflammatory than corn syrup and cane sugar, but still inflammatory.
Sorta what I thought but when I looked it up - kefir is fermented and contains yeast and more probiotics and protein than yogurt. Will be trying it again - maybe with berries in a smoothie Kefir is a fermented milk drink, cultured from kefir grains. It is a rich source of calcium, protein, and B vitamins. Kefir may contain up to 61 different microorganisms, making it a much more potent source of probiotics than many other fermented dairy products.
It is but most of it is unpasteurized most yogurts outside of activia are pasteurized which makes them last longer but kills the good bacteria.
A few years before we sold my business I had multiple employees asked if I would do this. So I told them I would reimburse them if they went atleast 3 times a week, 8 out of 22 employees started after the 1st month I only had to reimburse 3 of them. By the end of the 2nd month none of them. I still go
Any thoughts on kombucha as a probiotic? I made it for a while, some batches were better than others. Now I buy from time to time. I like it but have noticed no benefits, but I’ve never had gut issues that I’m aware if.
My wife is an addict. She got a "scovi?" given to her and now she has like 4 batches going at all time. She adds various fruit juices to it to at bottling time to make it tastier. I drink it from time to time and it does seem to help with my stomach issues. I like it when it still is a bit bubbly .... cause I know it has some alcohol in it then.
One of the problems the U.S. has is opioid addiction. I saw an article that tried to find out who was most likely to die of opioid overdose. It turns out that people who have a physically demanding job, but no health insurance are most likely to die of opioid overdose. This apparently includes people in construction trades and other similar small businesses. These workers get injured on the job, and try to find a way to self-medicate.
While this could be a plausible scenario, seems to me this could be as much correlation as causation. Working class people are more likely to have these types of jobs and more likely to use drugs, but the two aren’t related to each other.
Based on this thread I bought some Kefir. Not terrible. Don’t know if it will make any difference or if it does how I could tell. If you want to have something that is a probiotic and apparently incredibly healthy, try Natto. It really tastes awful although if you mix in olive oil it drowns the taste.
Two Families Got Fed Up With Their States’ Politics. So They Moved Out. This was an interesting article, but as to the thread topic, just look at the pictures of the republican couple moving from Oregon to Missouri. They are about 60, my age, but appear to be in worse physical condition than my 90 year old parents.
^ I’m guessing they’re chubby, therefore ‘unhealthy.’ People often tell me I look healthy. Probably because I’m lean and still have a full head of hair. But am I really healthy ?
As we age, it is odd to see how others age. Some people seem done at 60, some are vibrant at 90. A combination of effort, luck and genetics, I suppose.
Perhaps surprisingly, Americans over 75 live longer than their counterparts in peer countries. But younger Americans die sooner … https://www.npr.org/sections/health...-and-die-the-sad-state-of-u-s-life-expectancy