When my sister and her family were in Europe, in some line, she pointed out that she was the fattest woman there. Back home in the states, in another line, her son pointed out that she was the thinnest woman there.
This is just my opinion/conspiracy theory but a big difference is access to quick food that is cheap and unhealthy. Farmers have been paid to overproduce corn and soy beans and what did scientists do? They figured out how to turn corn into a million different cheap and unhealthy food products. I don't think we'd have high fructose corn syrup without corn subsidies
Yup. Though it's not a conspiracy. It is literally the way in which our society has come to be. That cheap and easy and highly processed foodlikestuff is also stripped of natural fibers and nutrients, leaving it high on sugar (often high fructose corn syrup) and cheap carbs. The outcome is chronic disease.
Well, companies are doing more to make their employees more motivated to exercise. Insurance companies offer discounts on gyms, have health contests like walking 10,000 steps a day... etc. It's like smoking, you have to provide motivations for people to take action.
When I was stationed on Okinawa in 1969-1971, people ate the traditional Japanese diet of fish, rice and vegetables. They lived in very small houses with extended families. The children were happy with what they had and didn’t expect more. You never saw a fat person (except for some of the Americans who were stationed there).They had one of the lowest percentages of heart disease anywhere in the world.
^^^was that ("gut") incidental, or were you being slick there? (my money for the root cause of our over all decline in health is on the havoc we've wreaked upon our gut biomes--especially with the trigger happy antibiotic scripting of western medicine, and of course, our good friend, the ever ubiquitous added/processed sugars (...and overall processed foods)).
Drink more kefir! We're learning far more about the importance of the microbiome in overall health. Pretty fascinating.
Because the *reaction to* Covid was BY FAR the greatest factor in demolishing life expectancy since 2020.
Yes, there was a slight downtick around then that was attributed to deaths of despair. But that downtick was nothing like the battering we’ve taken since 2020 and mass-derangement.
It’s not conspiracy. It is fascism. From corporate food. To corporate healthcare. To big pharma. They control the government…
I don't know how much diet is the cause here, but you got to think the opioid epidemic is really hurting. Think about it. Someone dying at the ripe old age of 65 from bad diet lowers the average some. But a 20 year old ODing really hits the average hard.
Netflix has a “Live to 100 The Secret of the Blue Zones” documentary. It is pretty good on the communities that live the longest. They start in Okinawa. Where I was born. Then they go to Sardinia. Really good watch so far. While there is no exact answer. The secret sauce is not that complicated if you ask me. And even if you enjoy that secret sauce it certainly does not guarantee you will live to 100. But your chance will increase exponentially…
We just did a Learn the Game (for Tennis) with the Oral Surgeons office we work closely with. Had a good turn out of staff. Got smaller by the end but a few I think/hope stick with it ot find an activity because of it. I 100% would pay for an employees gym membership if they will use it.