Just think, if humans are still around by then, and life expectancy has improved till people live almost forever, we could have a president who is millions of years old, with people complaining that he's too old for the job.
Great post, saw that article. On a related note, some scientists have come up with some interesting data about Mammalian or Hominid life forms. If one assumes a roughly 12 billion year existence cycle for planet earth, (before its annihilation by the sun going supernova) and superimposes climatic, atmospheric, and geologic conditions that make evolution and life possible, imagine a 12 hour clock, with 1 hour representing 1 billion years. The premise of the book was that hominids such as ourselves would only be able to come into being, evolve and then go extinct in 1 hour or 1 billion years due to the unique environmental conditions necessary to sustain such life. I found that interesting considering the only known world with sentient life could only support it for 1/12 of its existence. Just another factor to consider using something like the Drake Equation. The odds of an extraterrestrial civilization finding archaic Hominids, much less Homo Sapien Sapiens whom Science says has been around for only - 300,000 - years is....... well.......Exceedingly Rare! Unbelievable odds really. And that's on THIS PLANET. 300 thousand years in a billion years or 12 billion years, is an EXCEEDINGLY small window to hit. I find "Time" to be an unbelievably complex and much misunderstood concept.
so, it seems to me after reading your link, that global warming is irrelevant. Instead, the earth will just destroy itself in 250 million years. Can we assume that Biden is going to open up drilling again?
What an uneducated comment. You really know nothing of how climate change has adversely effected if not destroyed MANY human civilizations over the last 10,000 years, which is an exceedingly small time frame on a geologic scale. In other words climate change happens FREQUENTLY, even in human time scales, and has NOTHING to do with political ideology. Climate is ALWAYS relevant and in merciless ways. Now if you argued that climate change would happen ANYWAY you are ABSOLUTELY RIGHT, what you DON'T GET, is that human processes are ACCLERATING that change. But you just want to take an entire field of science and make a 4 sentence MAGA political statement.
The weather has been killing humans and creatures since before man discovered fire. Human activity has less than negligible impact on the climate. Trash yes. Earth temperature no.
I agree, and it has nothing to do with humans either….which is the point your uneducated post concedes.
Your post brought to mind Ozymandias: “I met a traveller from an antique land, Who said—“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone Stand in the desert. . . . Near them, on the sand, Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown, And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command, Tell that its sculptor well those passions read Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things, The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed; And on the pedestal, these words appear: My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare The lone and level sands stretch far away.”
I’m sure it’s on the Apple iPhone Holiday calendar. Every other stupid holiday that I’ve never heard of is.
In a little more than 6000 years, we've gone from not having a single wheel to the skies of this flat earth being filled with fake birds. Nevermind the idea that the technological progress over this span has hardly been constant; instead, think for a moment that there are over 40,000 units of 6000 years for our technology to continue to make advancements in the referenced timeline. I'm not going to begin to question what we may be capable of *if* our species is afforded the opportunity to remain on this rock. Go GATORS! ,WESGATORS
reading is hard for you. I get it. But when you have difficulty perhaps ask questions before you post nonsense. You literally got everything wrong. Do you share DNA with a Biden?