I think Trump will win. Dems ain't even trying. Okee gonna continue holding up a Trump poster with 1 hand....
I saw a headline it went up to 10 this afternoon. I don’t think either one is going to get the prize. I am watching all this crap happening in California which seems very calculated and suspicious. Like someone is trying to move to the center.
He’s going to win. He’s in Iowa doing Q&A with regular voters from the platform. When’s the last time Joe Biden has had a Q&A with the people? And he never will…
If you really believe that Trump leads Biden by 20 points with voters under 35, I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.
Maybe. But their best hope for remaining in power is in running against Trump next year. Apart from Trump himself, no one has a greater interest in making sure Trump gets the nomination than the Biden Administration. Knowing that fact would give me real pause in interpreting polls that seem to indicate, against common sense, that Trump can win a general election.
He panicked and is heading to Michigan a day before Trump to walk the picket line with union workers.
Leading Biden by 20 points ain't gonna get it......There are a lot of dead voters out there, and don't forget crap like water main breakage and stuff like that.
predictions really aren’t practical for a presidential election still over a year away. especially for candidates that will be 78 and 80 years old.
My prediction: Biden drops out by December 15 to “spend time with family”. Meanwhile Newsom continues to take “moderate” positions. He just vetoed trans bill. Next will be him denying early release to a cop killer in the next weeks to show he is tough on crime. Then everyone will rally around him and he will lose some points to Kennedy, but will win nomination. No one else will get in the race.
Are these the numbers before or after Trump calls each blue state governor and threatens them to find more votes for him?
You're right you guys are always looking for dead voters. 4th resident of The Villages admits to voting twice in the 2020 election Rider acknowledged his guilt as part of the agreement with prosecutors. “The Parties agree that the first step in rehabilitation is to the admission of his wrongdoing,” the contract states. Rider indicated in court papers that he plans to “buy out” his requirement of completing 50 hours of community service at a cost of $10 per hour. Three other residents of The Villages accused of voting twice signed similar pretrial intervention contracts last year. 4th resident of The Villages admits to voting twice in the 2020 election
Also, this guy who I’ve never heard of is floating a trial balloon for Democratic nomination https://www.axios.com/2023/07/28/dean-phillips-primary-biden-2024-election Rep. Dean Phillips (D-Minn.) on Friday confirmed reporting that he is being pushed to challenge President Biden for the Democratic nomination in 2024. Why it matters: The moderate three-term congressman would be by far the most politically established Biden rival were he to mount a bid.