The Ducks were 21-point favorites, which means they were absolutely expected to dominate Colorado team that is far from being a finished product and was missing its best playmaker. They came out and found something to be fake offended about to use as bulletin board material (the same thing people have mad at Prime and CU for doing) and came out and dominated.
He’s a clown. We got mad at Mullen for dressing as earth Vader and this guy is a 59 year old teenager.
Did you watch the game? Oregon went for it on 4th down and tried their best to score at least 50, the Colorado defense stuffed them several times. I know it doesn’t fit the “Oregon called off the dogs narrative” tho. Even Oregon’s coach said at halftime that he was going to try to embarrass them, he was actively trying to score at least 60.
Lol@“oregon had had the class to not run it up”…the Same Oregon team who just scored 73 points on some schlubs a few weeks ago. They absolutely wanted to score 60+ against CU (Lanning admitted as much at halftime) but the CU defense came up with multiple stops in the 2nd half. Again, doesn’t fit the tidy narrative.
I really can’t stand him. Is it that hard. Self admiration is my least favorite characteristic of all.
A coach who licks his chops while saying “We’re nowhere near done” during the halftime interview on the field doesn’t sound like he or his team has lost interest.
Have we EVER seen a head coach at a major university wear sunglasses that big and that dark at a presser before? Hmmmm....wonder why Coach Sanders is wearing them inside a room?
In his postgame interview he said “it starts with me, I have to be better, the coaches have to be better.” “No excuses, their coaches did a great job preparing them. We just got out butts whooped. Have to watch film and get back to work.” I don’t see how he’s making it about himself. He gave credit to Oregon, admitted the loss is on him and said no excuses. He basically sounds like every other coach who gets beat. But of course since you don’t like him you’re making up stuff LOL
You already admitted you didn’t watch the game, so I’m telling you what happened. There was no “extra gear lost.” Oregon actively tried to run up the score in the 2nd half and CUs defense held them multiple times.
The fact that you are a Deion groupie has been duly confirmed. No reason for you to tell us what we already know. And denying that the media coverage of Deion has been over the top ridiculous is just plain delusional on your part.
Never been a fan of Deion for a number of reasons. He's a Seminole but pretty sure we all like and respect guys like Warrick Dunn and Derrick brooks who have exuded class and quality character consistently since we've come to know them. Throw in the Seminole aspect along with who he has been for decades and it adds fuel for the dislike. The Deion rule doesn't sit well with many even if it's hypocritical to pretend that everybody's favorite players in the past and have present haven't been held to the same academic standards as non athletes. Referencing oneself in 3rd person especially with a stupid nickname is cringey and many people don't like it. The narrative last year was HBCUs and yet it took less than one recruiting cycle for him to bail, take his best players with him, and to a school and city not known for their diversity. The HBCU narrative has been let go and forgotten by the same media pushing the new angle. I personally don't care for the guy but I also don't hate him or share the same vitriol to the degree that many do. With that said, for every action there is a reaction and the hype pushed at every turn this year has fueled the backlash. Why are people surprised? Tebow got a similar backlash for similar reasons minus a few differences. For those who try to make it racial? I don't block many people but I'm glad I blocked at least one in particular because I can tell from the disjunct flow of conversation that at least one person is pushing that narrative. Ignore is a great function when used sparingly and selectively...
If that bothers you, that sounds like a you problem. Something Sanders says all the time" don't let my confidence offend your insecurity. "