Those 4 stats are plenty of comparative information... good enough to stand alone. Plenty of context...
Not in modern day football. What was the expected completion percentage? What were the air yards? What was the game situation? For example certain things can point to weakness in scheme vs weakness in QB. Low air yards could be scheme (potentially QB). High CP - ECP is a sign of an accurate QB. Low ECP is a sign of an aggressive downfield scheme. It’s ok. There are still people that think RBIs and batting average are the most meaningful stats in baseball.
Obviously the head coach. Every single head coach has something called a job where they are employed. When you are employed you are always at risk potentially losing your job. The top two reasons are poor performance and misconduct. So yes every head coach and every person with a job is evaluated based on their performance. Nick Saban is evaluated on his performance. Dan Mullen was. Literally by definition. This isn’t ground breaking to say how long someone is employed is dependent on how well they perform.
When did I say he was going anywhere? I said every coach (and employee) gets judged based on performance. Are you assuming that Napiers performance will be poor? If so, why?
Why even mention his job is at risk... you are, at the every least, insinuating that his job is at risk.
Everyone’s job is at risk. Why are you insinuating a head coach can remain the head coach forever even if their performance is poor? It’s obviously not true. It also is nonsensical. Why pay millions if performance never matters? Deep down you clearly realize Napier does get his performance evaluated.
Huh? I never said I cared at all about a relatively meaningless stat like completion percentage without context There is plenty of good comprehensive data that shows the status of our passing attack. I was trying to educate you on how to evaluate completion percentage properly.
Kirby gets his performance evaluated every year as well. Every coach does. Every AD sits down with their coach. This may be foreign to you but people do perform well, get great reviews, and ultimately raises. Is your point Kirby could never get fired? That’s obviously not true. I guarantee if he lost 50 games in a row he’d be fired. I’m not sure the “coaches aren’t accountable to performance” is a hill you wish to die on
Honestly, what point are you really trying to make on this thread? That "Napier's job is at risk," becasue of our offensive stats?
What point are you trying to make in saying coaches aren’t accountable for good and bad performance? Only on this board do people get so worked up over a literal obvious truth that employees get performance evaluations.
Im not making a point. I mentioned something that is an obvious truth to combat a falsehood. Employees are evaluated on performance. Always have and always will. I never once said Napier will be fired. It is also an obvious truth that if our performance is poor, Napier will be fired. It’s also an obvious truth if our performance is great he will get a raise. Why are you so opposed of meritocracy? What point are you saying by implying Napier (or Saban, or Kirby, or any coach in any sport) can lose 500 games in a row and remain the coach?
It's too early to be talking about Napier's job security, don't you think? He is rebuilding the Gators' football program... a complete overhaul and that will take at least 4 years. He's showing progress and that we can all plainly see.
And to be clear I’m only here as I am reporting posts to point out the poor moderation allowing constant personal attacks. As an optimist I am assuming it’s not due to hypocrisy but rather an oversight Honestly I’m only drawn to this board to combat wildly inaccurate takes like SS doesn’t evaluate the performance of our athletic teams.
So you are making the point Billy isn’t accountable? I’m sure if you asked Billy he would disagree with you Are you really dying on the “coaches shouldn’t be accountable” hill? The problem is you are somehow linking my statement that every coach is accountable and responsible for their team/performance to thinking I want Napier fired. It makes no sense