I don't know about you, but I lived and was politically active in the 60's. There was virtually no violence, or threats of violence, by anyone on the left.* Most of the violence then was at the hands of the same type of people threatening it today: those on the right (who were sometimes called "hardhats") threatening and, in some cases, harming those opposed to the Vietnam war. The only "intimidation" from Johnson was of the type which regularly occurs in Congress: vote for my bill or else I won't vote for yours or will cut off funding for your pet project, etc. * Addendum to except the violence associated with the Black Panthers and other groups for "racial equality".
Take your word for it. Before my time and history books in my high school were more focused on the process of Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Voting Rights Act of 1965 and less about how it came together. Total conjecture, but I am surprised there was not “G men” who “knocked on doors in the middle of the night” to whip the votes. Watched too many movies I guess.
Yep, the Marxist weather underground organizationkilled some people, if mainly themselves. Weather Underground - Wikipedia. In the 1970s, the WUO conducted a bombing campaign targeting government buildings and several banks. Some attacks were preceded by evacuation warnings, along with threats identifying the particular matter that the attack was intended to protest. Three members of the group were killed in an accidental Greenwich Village townhouse explosion, but none were killed in any of the bombings. The WUO communiqué issued in connection with the bombing of the United States Capitol on March 1, 1971, indicated that it was "in protest of the U.S. invasion of Laos". The WUO asserted that its May 19, 1972 bombing of the Pentagon was "in retaliation for the U.S. bombing raid in Hanoi". The WUO announced that its January 29, 1975 bombing of the United States Department of State building was "in response to the escalation in Vietnam".[7][8]
The accusations being leveled in the OP should not be dismissed because similar tactics have been used in the past. Are we not trying to evolve as societies - or is it OK to put executed inmates severed heads on pikes in the Town center?
Maybe it's just me but there is a difference between threatening political retribution and threatening physical violence. I guess there is one similarity between Trump and Johnson, both weaponized the IRS against their opponents and if Trump is elected again he will almost certainly do the same only a much larger scale. In case anyone may have forgotten. Trump foes James Comey and Andrew McCabe were reportedly subjected to rare and rigorous IRS audits.
Let's see who the right has threatened to kill or harm in the past couple of years. In some cases arrest have been made along with convictions Poll workers Election supervisors IRS employees FBI agents Judges Governors What great examples of showing family values. They are who we thought they were