I'm still on that journey... I try not to think about the last game of the year. Talking Season can wait... Lol.
Seems like it takes forever to get here, then it goes by so fast, doesn't it? You can also say that it's only 20% over, if you count championship week and 2 playoff games! That helps... but not that much!
The one idea I am always amazed every year is, when we are "winding down" the season in November, when you look, the NFL is just reaching their halfway point. It feels so weird to me.
This and that... How many former Gators were on USF's team? That one run by Nyquan Wright where he trucks the Bama DB was hilarious... mostly because of the announcer's sound effects/reaction when it happened. Lol...
Those 3:00+ minute commercial breaks at the game are driving me crazy. It ruins the flow of the game. While the TV viewers are watching endless sales pitches, we just sit in the stands and stare at the red digital clock as it ticks down 3 minutes and 25 seconds time after time after time... The commercial breaks should not be longer than 2 minutes. Let's play ball!
And just like that , the blathering idiots that only make negativity and predict our demise run and hide to wait for our next loss so they can whine some more.