Auto workers want a four-day workweek ok joe, you sold your soul for their vote, how is this going to play out to the average american, work 32 get paid for 40, imagine the price increase for cars,
I prefer a 4/10 split. Also far easier to get overtime that way. Now I don’t know if that is what the union is asking for…
I have no idea what the OP is complaining about. Somehow Joe is at fault because Union workers want to negotiate for a work week that they feel is more convenient? And also average Americans aren’t going to like a work week that auto unions want? That is apparently his take. Maybe he’ll be back to explain what the issue is more clearly?
I think op is saying the deal would mean a 20% increase in pay, which will be passed on to the consumer. Many Americans would love to work less and make more, just like I want to play QB1 for the Gators in a natty. But wanting and reality are not the same.
Why not? There are plenty of countries that have a higher GDP per hour worked ratio than the US. There are also plenty of other metrics that show the same.
biden will not dare criticize these demands for fear of losing their support, another screw the average american by the pro-union democrats.
What if they just asked for a 20% raise? I am not sure what the issue is. Athletes hold out, home owners solicit the highest bid, and laborers negotiate better wages. It’s called captialism.. free market… you know.. things conservatives supposedly admire.
So, New NAFTA is Actual law. PASSED by Trump. It is currently making us autos more expensive & it is making N. America less competitive. Thoughts? In fact, if you knew anything about socialist New Nafta, you'd know that it directly makes this more possible b/c it REQUIRES a certain % of auto parts be made by workers making above a certain wage. Hence, holding American companies hostage to unions. Oh, yeah & the idiot steel tariffs HAVE increased the price of cars.
Because it would cripple the employer in the short term. “Raises” sound great but are so irrelevant. How much money you make means nothing. It’s a false barometer. It’s not how much you make, it’s how much you make compared to everyone else. That determines your buying power, which is what wealth is. The value of your money (buying power) determines what you can buy. when you give the auto worker a 20% raise, the costs of good that uses automobiles rise, and other employees in other industries will demand the same raise. Soon everyone is making 20% more, which devalues the money. Your rent, food and gas all go up 20% and you are in the same position you were before the raise.
That’s some socialist communist nonsense you typed. Negotiate the most money you can for work and if people pay it, you’re worth it. Are you on here bitching about CEO raises?
I wonder if any presidential would come and say that workers shouldn’t get as much as they’re asking for
This does not seem like a company that would be "crippled" by giving their employees a raise.
all of Ford’s employees got on average over a $9k bonus this year on that profit. Yes, a 20% increase in payroll would cripple just about any business.