The reason for Australia's extreme position regarding the vax wasn't to protect a healthy person like Novak from becoming infected, it was to protect much more vulnerable persons. While an "extremely healthy" person like Novak may have been very unlikely to develop a serious case of Covid in the event that he did become infected he could potentially spread the virus to persons who are much more vulnerable due to age, a compromised immune system or another comorbidity.
I’m thinking that this is PROBABLY the best place to put this although I realize that some folks are immune to facts. It might help clear things up for some folks that are not hopeless. The flu shot DOES NOT give you the flu. Here are SEVERAL reputable sources. Flu Vaccine Safety Information | CDC 10 Flu Myths - Harvard Health Flu shot: Your best bet for avoiding influenza
Edit: I'm not sure that persons who developed serious cases of Covid or the families of persons who died after contracting the virus would find a vaccine requirement "funny".
I think that the underlying tenet of modern American conservatism is selfishness. There is no concern for the greater good, regardless of the issues.
No. He had natural immunity. No need to take a shot. On top of the fact the shot does not keep you from getting Covid…
If they understood science and medicine. They would understand it did nothing to protect their family member. Covid arguably spread at a much greater rate after the shot because people actually believed it stopped them from getting covid. We were well into omicron before the media and idiots in public health finally acknowledged the shots did not work as advertised.
My sister fought a long battle with esophageal cancer. She died of Covid but it probably hastened her death by maybe 6 months. I will tell her grandchildren that that 6 months had very little value and idiots rights to be stupid is much more important.
In 2020, for the “greater good”, we woke up to a world in which … You weren’t allowed to open your business. You weren’t allowed to send your kids to school. You weren’t allowed to attend church. You weren’t allowed to comfort your dying. You weren’t allowed to bury your dead. If any of these prohibitions rankled you it was simply because your were selfish.
That is undeniable. Any accommodation of another human being is an affront to their right to be dicks.