Assuming they actually have DNA samples of something and assuming that sample is limited in amount, is it something that can be coded and reduced to writing so the DNA sequence can be shared and studied publicly? Seems like it would be very easy to verify if it's not human or if not, to learn a lot about it. I'm highly skeptical they have anything at all, but if they do, it'd be fun to see what the more advanced AI programs think about it. Maybe we could actually make an alien with a 3D printer! Sounds like a bad good horror movie!
I'm thinking Styrofoam with some polyurethane added. Interesting body chemistry, these aliens. Also Interesting they appear to have legs, arms and a hominid type skull. Must be from earth 2.
Funny. Did you ask “who the roofing company owner”? You can do your part to turn in the job stealing American business employer hiring said aliens?
I understand that virologists maintain a few accessible websites where genomes of “those things that do not exist” are maintained. I don’t know about such sites for much more complicated critters but if that thing has the same 4 base acids as we do, then it’s probably one of us.
Although I know I'm dating myself, the episode of "Mork and Mindy" in which Mork went to the local INS office to register as a resident alien comes to mind.
When I worked for Orange County I was doing an inspection at an apartment complex in Hunters Creek. The superintendent on the job told me when I showed up on the job with my badge clipped to my belt half the workers on the job disappeared. He said there were a bunch of them hiding in the woods behind the complex.
Or — feature this! — the very concept of DNA might solely be a function of how life evolved on this planet only. Creatures from another planet might not have DNA as we understand it.
Interesting point generally! But I what I've read is these guys are claiming about a third of the "DNA" is "unknown." That suggests not only do they have "DNA" but that both the known and the unknown material constitute "DNA." Perhaps two thirds is DNA and the other third is something other than DNA? It makes little sense to me!
Funny. They go through the trouble of removing them from the so’called mine and shipping them but they can’t dust off that sand or whatever is sitting loosely on them? What a joke. If you’re going to try an alien hoax, make them look more alien and not like Spielberg’s E.T.. We all know aliens don’t look like that! 'Alien corpse' row breaks out as American UFO expert slams Mexico's unveiling of 'non-human' bodies as 'an unsubstantiated stunt' | Daily Mail Online