My sister has asked me if there is anything that she can do to convince me not to get the booster. I guess she just can't wait for her inheritance. I hope she doesn't try a hit man next.
My doctor believes in the vaccine and boosters. Hell I got my last booster just month or two before I caught COVID.
I say you should force it on people Coco, go around injecting random people, especially people who look conservative
I was going to say, how can I force people? I don't even have a gun. (I had one, but I gave it to my sister. Now I hope she doesn't use it on me.)
Anybody with any sort of MAGA looking attire, and force them to have it administered anally just for the traumatic impact.
You can’t use logic or reason to argue with someone who came to their beliefs without using logic or reason.
Yeah, I think if you are in public wearing a "grab me by the p" shirt you have given consent for just about anything
If you do take the booster and die remember: your death would have been even uglier had you not gotten the booster.