Mitt Romney passes on re-election run in 2024 ( Sen. Mitt Romney announced Wednesday he will not vie for re-election in 2024, opening up a Senate seat in Utah. Romney, the GOP’s presidential nominee in 2012, had been one of the most vocal Republican critics of former President Donald Trump in the Senate. While he plans to leave the Senate in 2025, Romney underscored that he’s “not retiring from the fight.” Lol, because he can't win.
Well I guess that will be one less senator in the over 80 club, good for him for not hanging around and joining it
Is she moving to Utah and converting to Mormonism? FYI, Romneys approval rating in August jumped to 56% altho he did face a primary challenge. Sen. Mitt Romney’s approval rating among Utah Republicans jumps higher as he considers a second run for Senate
I don't know. He's not going to, but I think if he ran for president now he could run as an independent and get a lot of support from both sides. Not my favorite candidate by any means but to think he wouldn't have a chance as an independent given our current political climate is selling him short.
Lol... tilly is a RINO republican NWO guy. He knows he would LOSE to whomever ran against him.... freaking RINO clown that he is.
Have the thought meandered through what I presume is a largely empty cranium that you and the ilk are in fact the RINO’s? Is it not more likely that your fellow Trumpaloon JD Vance fits the bill? Does anyone sit near you at lunch? So many questions…. Romney Torches Fellow Senate Republican JD Vance
There is a billboard on I-15 in Utah calling on RINO Romney to step down so a real Republican can finish out his term.
He didn’t hold back. Ouch! “Candidates toward whom he is more disposed — he mentioned former New Jersey governor Chris Christie, former South Carolina governor and former United Nations ambassador Nikki Haley and Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina — continue to struggle. “It’s pretty clear that the party is inclined to a populist demagogue message,” he said.
Although I personally think that she would be a much better choice apparently the Republican voters in her own state prefer the defeated indicted former president with the orange complexion by a huge margin.
Because he wont lick the boots of one of the most despicable politicians we have had on my lifetime? Because he won't put lips to butt for a guy that brags about potentially groping women, dumps multiple wives, and calls his own daughter a piece of a$$? Because he doesnt go on midnight middle school twitter tirades? Because he doesnt call his opponents ridiculous names? Because he carries himself like a decent human being? Because he actually lives his faith unlike the fake hypocrite that only touches a Bible for photo opps? Because he knows the key to winning elections isnt crying afterwards, but working harder beforehand? Because he has been a strong and popular leader for a great state for decades? Because he ACTUALLY offered a conservative solution to the health care crisis why Trump just failed on the promise? Nope. None of that matters. Some folks simply hate him because he dared to have a conscience and not bow down to the helium filled golden calf.