The man completely threw his career away by ignoring everything he was taught and knew. It is what makes him the worst. He knew! He knew and knows coronaviruses. He knowingly ignored medicine and science causing generational damage to medicine and the trust people use to have in it.
What did he know?! novel2 [ nov-uhl ] adjective of a new and unusual kind; different from anything seen or known before:a novel idea. not previously detected or reported:
So, so much to unpack there, but I'll stay on topic. HIV lowers your immune system to the point where you cannot fight off other diseases, so you don't die from the virus as much as you die from whatever takes over your body. It can be pneumonia it could be cancer that eventually gets you. I knew women who went a natural way of treatment when diagnosed with breast cancer. MOST ended up stage 4, but not all. Does that mean they were right and we should look at traditional treatments as a hoax? PS. why are there so many dead people on that site?
The evidence for the HIV virus was an entry in a paper that read: “The HIV virus is the probable cause of AIDS.” With this ‘evidence’ millions were given chemotherapeutic drugs that ravaged their bodies or finished them off. The AZT Disaster by Claus Köhnlein
If you think that AZT was a disaster you can always ask Magic Johnson what he thinks of the drug. Although I assume that he is currently on a maintenance dose of more advanced anti-viral drugs, prior to the introduction of AZT, a diagnosis of HIV/AIDs was a virtual death sentence. As the result of AZT and later other anti-virals, HIV is now a chronic condition which in which the disease essentially goes into remission indefinitely as long as patients take their meds.
He knew basic medicine. And he also knew from the beginning (Italy/Diamond Princess/even New York) this was an inflammatory upper respiratory virus from the corona family. There is no way he should have been duped by the idiots running garbage models to scare living crap out of people. Instead of focusing on a one size fits all approach for a disease that he and everyone knew was high risk to a certain group. He should have been focusing on treatments for an inflammatory virus. I still can’t believe we ended up with so many on ventilators. It really is infuriating. I get we disagree. But there is no excuse for someone as educated as fauci!
You’re confusing a virus, HIV, for which there is still no evidence, and a condition, AIDS, which has exploded as a wastebasket diagnosis for some 30 maladies. There is also a great deal of controversy as to whether Magic Johnson ever took AZT. Here is an article that was talking in terms of the “rise and fall of AZT” as far back as 1993 … The rise and fall of AZT: It was the drug that had to work. It brought
AZT - a drug worse than the disease … Celia was the editor and frequent writer of the column and unearthed hard evidence of the cold-bloodedness of the AIDS establishment pushing a drug that was worse than the disease, and killed faster than the natural progression of AIDS left untreated. AZT had been an abandoned cancer drug, discarded because of it’s fatal toxicity, resurrected in the cynical belief that AIDS patients were going to die anyway, so trying it out was sort of like playing with the house’s money. Because the drug didn’t require the usual massively expensive research and trial processes, having gone through that years earlier, it was insanely profitable for its maker, Burroughs Wellcome. It was a tragically perfect storm of windfall profits, something to pacify AIDS activists and the media, and a convenient boom to the patent holders for HIV testing. AIDS and the AZT Scandal: Spin's 1989 Feature, 'Sins of Omission'
He knew it was highly contagious. He wasn't on a team to find therapies for it, he was essentially a spokesman. How do you keep something so contagious through air droplets from spreading? It was a novel virus so there was going to be trial and error based on what data (deaths, hospitalizations and the cause and effect of masks) they were able to acquire as time went on. Trumph hired him for a reason. While there were obviously people who would have a higher mortality rate, plenty of young healthy people ended up on ventilators and dying. I find it incredulous that we are blaming Fauci when we had a president that played it down allowing a segment of Americans to doubt the severity of it, while other countries got it under control much sooner. They then refused to wear masks and take precautions. One man's daughter was furious that her dad blindly believed trumph and wouldn't wear a mask. He died of COVID. That is why we had people on ventilators. Data be damned.
The only thing that was highly contagious was the test. Nothing could stop it. Not lockdowns. Not masks. Not even vaccines. And initially Democrats screeched that Trump was OVERplaying the so-called virus. But memories are selective.
Millions of people are living with HIV for decades without progressing to AIDS. Previously, having HIV always progressed to AIDS. Whatever they have done or are doing, it's working. Magic Johnson is still alive and I don't think it's because he upped his blueberry intake. The Covid 19 virus was a novel virus, but thank God we have scientists around the world working on viruses we haven't even seen yet to see what makes them spread and what drugs can work against them. This was the case with that virus and why we were able to have a vaccine. It was handled badly by trumph and that is not even debatable. I never heard one person say he overplayed it! I never saw him do that, not even once.
We’ve already covered Magic Johnson. There is considerable doubt as to whether he actually took any drugs, let alone AZT. And the reasons many are still living is because they are not taking toxic meds for their fraudulent HIV diagnosis. Finally, I’m not absolving Trump. After all, he rubber-stamped the catastrophic lockdowns. But Democrats gain-said him at every step … When he shut down travel to China they cried “Xenophobe!” Then they blamed him for not acting sooner. Then they warned he was moving too fast on the vaccine. And on and on …
That link is from the same website you linked earlier. I went through chemo, and they monitor your blood for white blood cells. If your white blood cells are low you cannot get treatment. I also had a shot at home the day after chemo called neulasta which helps restore your white blood cells and helps your immunity. Some people get bad side effects from chemo or from the neulasta shot and cannot continue. People die from these side effects sometimes. Heck, I have some remnants of "chemo brain" where I have to stop and think about the words I want to write or say. Sometimes I look at my posts here and have to edit them so they make sense! The trade off was worth it, I'm cancer free almost 10 years now. It's the chances we take to help the majority of patients. It also doesn't say millions in that link, it really doesn't address that at all. It talks about one patient with lymphoma which is a cancer.
Now imagine that you’re taking chemotherapy every day for the rest of your life. That’s AZT. People weren’t dying from any virus. I can’t imagine how gnarly chemo was for you. I read recently that 30% of patients get sick PRIOR to treatment. If I’m ever diagnosed, with cancer, I’d have to think long and hard about chemo or radiation.
I love the vague references - "There is considerable doubt". By who?? Another conspiracy theory, good grief. Nothing you have linked has proven anything to me at least when it comes to what AZT did. (read my last post) Maybe, just maybe, science found a better way, which is what is constantly happening by the way. So the one thing that "some people" said when he shut down China (I agreed on this by the way) is equal to him overplaying the seriousness of the pandemic? I thought it would go away in the spring, it didn't. I thought masks didn't do a damn thing to keep it from spreading ( wouldn't wear one) - It did. I thought we could bleach it out of our systems - obviously not. Where IS THAT book on pandemics the Obama admin. left us?? It wasn't dems complaining he moved too fast on the vaccine, he was moving too slow to get it out. People who were skeptics on the vaccine refused to get a vaccine after it finally rolled out during the Biden admin. THEY kept saying the rolled it out too fast and they didn't trust it. Some were interviewed and said they wouldn't get it because Biden was president. Some high IQ there. Maybe I give a pass to doctors and scientists when something new and novel comes along that is killing us to find the solution.
People who believe in viruses are the true conspiratorialists … Montagnier’s Monster How are you missing my links, one from a doctor, that chronicle the devastating effects of AZT ? Here’s one … The AZT Disaster by Claus Köhnlein Also … Democrat Biden warns against rushing out coronavirus vaccine, says Trump cannot be trusted
How do you get sick prior to treatment? It wasn't bad for me at all. I worked my full time job right through it all. I had it on a Friday, with my days off moved to Fri/Sat. The weekend was spent laying around eating watermelon and feeling just a tad nauseous. Monday the nauseousness went away, but I was wiped out, so I stayed home Mon/Tues. Wednesday I went back to work and worked 9 days straight until the second Friday where I would do it all over again. I had the "red devil" which gave me the symptoms above. HIV patients didn't get that one. The second round of chemo I had was a much lesser strength drug. I did lose my taste buds which sucked but it was much more tolerable. People who forgo getting that treatment have a less than 50% chance of surviving more than 5 years. So you do you, but I would never tell anyone to NOT go through it. Women with stage 4 breast cancer deal with drug side effects the rest of their lives, but they gladly do it so they can live. If anyone wants to help, make your next donation to - they focus totally on stage 4 treatments, research, and an actual cure.
Nocebo Effect, which, by the way, is certainly one explanation for so much of the sickness we’ve seen since 2020. Glad the chemo worked for you and that you are feeling well. I’m not saying chemo kills everybody who takes it.
I just responded to that link by the one doctor with the one patient with lymphoma. You first link: Some guy/girl had a family member be misdiagnosed and as a result they died. Condolences to the family, however, they found themselves going down a rabbit hole in order to make some sense of their loss and now have a commentary page(s). There was no way I was going to read that long drawn out page. I kept wondering what it is going to be like when these people use AI to make themselves sound more believable. Their "about page" if you can call it that, is just their story. I'm not convinced. Yes I saw the interview with all the scientists language. I remember when Biden said that. He also said he believed in vaccines, but it certainly smacked of political bias on both sides. Neither one of them had the power to speed it up or slow it down. It came out when it was supposed to.
Okay, if you find the first link distracting, how about the rest ? We haven’t even gotten to the point where we can take the ‘cause of AIDS’ for granted. But glad you agree that so-called Covid was quickly turned into a political football.