Emblematic of Nebraska’s putrid performance: Rhule calls a timeout, to freeze the FG kicker, just as the kicker misses the FG. Kicker gets another chance and splits the uprights.
I was kind of ambivalent about them until they won a Natty against Florida behind a guy who should have been sitting in a jail cell, I have wanted them to lose every game since then.
Phillips was a teddy bear compared to Aaron Hernandez, of course. I guess a lot of fanbases are therefore justified for hating us, by your logic.
Maybe they do and perhaps they should, that’s one of the reasons I am no fan of Urban Meyer. Neither represents their respective teams well but the difference is, Hernandez had not been caught yet, whereas Philips HAD. BIG difference.
It could be argued we needed that humiliation in the 1995 Fiesta (and I’m of the belief Nebraska would have beaten us handily even without Phillips) in order for SOS to see how much further we needed to go, especially on defense and overall toughness, and led to him hiring Bobby Stoops. 1996 Sugar Bowl made that much sweeter.
That teddy bear was on trial for murder when he committed suicide. Committed multiple felonies before that during and after college days.
Okay. Phillips in college: multiple incidents of assault, including dragging his ex-girlfriend, a Nebraska basketball player who left him for Scott Frost, down a flight of stairs by her hair. And that’s only the incidents that are public- it’s universally believed that there were more. Hernandez in college: assaulted a bar manager, involved in a shooting (along with other football players). It’s debatable as to if Hernandez was the shooter. The players are very lucky Corey Smith wasn’t killed. And that’s only the incidents that are public- it’s universally believed that there were more. Neither murdered anyone at the time of their college career. Both were absolute thugs that shouldn’t have been playing. Much as how I would find it silly for someone to hate our program because of the actions of a thug moron, I find it equally silly when people do the same to other programs due to their thug moron. Except for Pedophile State. That was more than one person, over decades, and a lot of powerful people knew about it and either looked the other way or actually enabled it.
Hernandez was ruled out as a suspect in the shooting in Gainesville. The police gave their reasons and this has been discussed ad nauseum. But, since you like to debate on relevant topics, how many angels can dance on the head of a pin?
I’ll be interested to see how Prime fares with the meat of the schedule. Two games in: snuck up on TCU and Nebraska’s QB was a disaster.
ESPN College Game Day is going to be in Boulder this week so Deion is going to get plenty of additional Prime loving from the national sports media. My guess is that Fowler (a CU alum) and Herbie will be calling their game against Colorado State which will probably end up being a huge promo for Buffalo football.
Prime with Buffs 98 yr old mega fan Deion Sanders dancing with 98-year-old CU mega fan Peggy Coppom after Nebraska win
He hit the Cowboys’ and Falcons’ bank accounts harder than he ever hit anyone on the field. I suppose when you have what many times was a huge athletic advantage over your opponent you don’t need to.
The hype is helping but it is crazy how the media push a narrative. NFL broadcasts are talking about Deion and the buffs. More power to them. No other coach could have the same success and get one tenth of the hype and coverage.
For context, Rhule joked he wouldn't have cameras follow him for his arrival at Nebraska. That's the "disrespect."