Again I’m not arguing against that. But when one Individual is plucked out and used to blame trump for the ruination of his life and his family.. no. Just no. The dad made that choice. He made a terrible choice. He chose to follow a terrible person. Does trump get blame for the insurrection.. absolutely. Does he get the blame for this individuals choices.. nope.
When you go buy your own island you can pass whatever laws you like. Until that time, you'll live by ours or (gasp!) face the consequences.
If we are just strictly looking at “responsibility” without assigning criminal liability… If you are a kid, and your parent (or parents) join a cult. Yeah, you are probably going to be pissed at your parents, but you are also going to naturally blame the leadership and “influencers” of whatever cult sucked them in. Esp when it comes to that point of actually ruining their lives or having family members so far gone they put the cult above their own family, as pretty much happened here.
Are you sure you want that strong of a position? because I bet there are ALOT of laws you’d back off real real quick. But let’s get back to the point something you clearly want to ignore.. Trump is guilty of helping cause the insurrection. He is not guilty of ruining this man’s life.. which is the very point of the whole thread. The dad made his own choice and suffered his consequences. Is trump going to charged as an accomplice for each and everyone of the insurrectionist?
Sure But that doesn’t make it the truth or right. Kids blame a lot of things on a lot things that just are accurate. Trump gets blame for causing/starting/aiding the insurrection. He doesn’t get the blame for this individual grown ass man’s choices in life.
It’s a bit of an odd take, you acknowledge Trump is responsible for the insurrection, perhaps criminally so. So you have essentially already acknowledged Trump has a share of the overall blame. I do not think that in any way absolves anyone’s specific criminal actions, but it also has to be acknowledged that without that 1/6 rally and the rw and social media gaslighting, the vast majority of these people would not be facing criminal charges (and several of those who lost their lives would be alive today as well). That’s just the reality of the situation.
But for Trump's encouragement and incitement, the guy likely would not have been there. I've never said he isn't responsible for his own actions, but DJT is as well. It's unlikely that DJT will actually be charged criminally, but I think he has his hands full as it is. "Clearly want to ignore"? You really are a hoot when you get all cranked up.
Just help me out here. Trump won’t be charged as an accomplice in this man’s crimes? Despite the law you mentioned earlier? Will trump be tried for any role in the insurrection in your opinion? I mean we know this dad is getting charged? Why? Because of his own stupidity in following trump.
Not really. I have no problem claiming trump probably had a role in inciting the riot. Weirdly, as a conservative I didn’t feel the need to partake. In fact the vast vast majority of conservatives did not feel the need to partake. Why? Because we made the decision not to. The idea that this man’s woes are all on trump.. it’s just not true. Seriously, go back to your childhood. “If your friends all jumped off a bridge…” I agree… no one would be facing charges if not for the riot… but that doesn’t change the fact that this man made his own bed and slept in it. As was mentioned above.. if the applicable Law Applies why is t trump being charged as an accomplice? The son just has a soft sport for him?
OK, I'll try my best. It is unlikely that Trump will be charged with that man's crimes based on the guy's statements. Many insurrection defendants have made similar statements to try to lessen their exposure at sentencing only to repudiate them later. Why would Smith want to cut a deal with the guy when he has Trump indicted on multiple charges elsewhere? I have no idea if he will be indicted for the insurrection itself. I suspect his next indictment will be in Arizona state court.
Really? You’re gonna blame the son for turning his dad in? SMH Thieves (lawyers) on my left and jokers( idiots) on my right. Is any one stuck in the middle with me?
Me too! It’s going to be a block party. Flags will fly at full mast. I’m going to get drunk high and be uncouth. I don’t drink anymore but this will be a national day of celebration even better than when US hockey beat Russia in the Olympics and better than when we splattered Bin Laden’s brains on a wall and better than when we beat OSU in the Natty. If figure if I quit once cold turkey - I can do it again.
This is a heartwarming story, but being Iowa I was hoping for a bucket of pigs blood raining down on his head. Loud Boos Rain Down On Trump at Iowa College Football Game