Meh, on the list of criticisms to excite a group of Republicans to go vote against a candidate, "he's old" is pretty tame. I suspect that Democrats aren't going to have trouble convincing people to vote against Trump. They don't need to set strategy based on Haley, because she won't be the nominee.
Actually, she's one of the only pragmatic candidates out there. She has reasonable principles and is one of the few to rise above the bullcrap you just posted.
A hint, "Lets go Brandon" doesn't really mean "Let's go Brandon". Ask a friend. While your at it ask him what those t-shirts and bumper stickers with FJB mean.
Nothing at all wrong with his observations. As long as Trump is the GOP favorite, he and his party are deserving of every criticism and ridicule thrown their way....and to those who support him. He's the worst thing to happen to this country other than the Civil War, as are those who enable and make excuses for him.
Seems to me that since this thread is about the 2024 Republican nomination mentioning Trump is relevant considering that he is leading in virtually every poll by a huge margin. Although I may have admittedly gone a little overboard with my mentions of the defeated deranged indicted former president in some of the other threads in this case the mention of Trump is directly on point considering that Nikki Haley who would be both a far better general election candidate not to mention president would have to defeat Trump in the primaries before she could run in the general election.
The infrastructure, especially the roads, were absolutely terrible in SC during her governorship. She had some major screwups, including massive data breaches during her time. She illegally arrested protesters for violating a law she made up and got smacked down by the courts when she tried to bully the legislature. There were some major issues with the state's child welfare agency during her tenure. And plenty of other underwhelming things. I can give her credit for removing the Confederate flag from the capital grounds, but it took Dylann Roof's hate crime to do that. Is she as bad as DeSantis or Trump? No. But I lived in SC during some of her tenure as governor, and she simply wasn't very effective.
I’m not sure I’m in a position to argue, I have to take you at your word. Some of the things you list seem like things governors may get blamed/get credit for that actually their impact is limited. As to the conf flag thing, while it seems like a really low bar to Democrats, I think it is significant her being able to broker a deal with some of the most backward lawmakers in the country. What she seems pretty good at politically as picking her battles - she doesn’t die on hills where she can’t make a difference. She is far from perfect but she’s much better than all the other Republicans - except for maybe Christie, who is competent but has his own baggage.
Haha, you seriously want to compare that to calling Clinton a rapist or the multitude of things that Republicans made up about Obama, like that he was a gay guy not born in the US and also a Communist radical that was trying to punish white people for colonialization? Honestly, by Republican standards, this stuff is about as mild as it comes. A generalized statement of not liking a Democrat is probably the mildest criticism of a Democratic President by Republicans since Carter or maybe Roosevelt. And, honestly, even the people that thought they were super edgy with that stuff have largely stopped that, as it just didn't provide the lasting thrill that they are seeking.
That was actually one of her bigger weaknesses. She was constantly feuding with the legislature. There were some points where she put her ego aside and got things done. But overall, she didn't accomplish as much as she could have because she had such a bad relationship with even her own party in the legislature. Fed up, Nikki Haley turns her Web site into a wall of shame for nearly every lawmaker in her state Nikki Haley Feuds With S.C. Legislature Haley presses issues as 2016 session wanes
Those are interesting articles. Not exactly the image that is projected. While the fact that she isn’t a partisan doormat is admirable, she doesn’t seem really good at the politics of getting stuff done, and uses petty and ineffective tactics.