You’re gonna love her. Days ago, Haley, the only woman in the 2024 White House race, gave a lengthy speech stating she opposed abortion personally but, breaking with her party's right flank, she called for a national consensus. In a Tuesday television interview, she asserted a need for a broad middle ground.
Or the gators under Ron Zook. Didint win the sec but beat both SEC championship participants LSU and GA (and #1 and #2 teams in the country, and eventual national champion (LSU).
At times I really like her, then she goes and bows to Trump. I would love it if she won the R primary and if it is even close I’ll vote for her in the TX R open primary.
The strategy is to build up our anger and aggression with Democrats and their control freakery and then unleash it on a foreign "threat" under Republicans, all to keep the rich getting richer. The parties flipped their roles in this endless process some time after WW2, certainly by the time LBJ was forced to tap out, but it has continued uninterrupted. It's all bullshit and it's bad for ya.
Nope. She is less assaulting to the senses but she is maga light. Believes in similar nonsense. Only silver lining is that she is not a straight up criminal who will crap on the constitution like the last right wing nut. I liked her quitting when Trump's WH accused her of being 'confused' but I do not like that she worked so hard to avoid call out Trump's criminal enterprise. She blows with the wind to be liked.
Sounds like you know Bluk well. How long have you been posting on GC? Oh I see you have been a GC poster for a whole 18 hrs. BTW Better watch calling someone a bully.... I had a post deleted for name calling last night. I don't see why it applies to one situation and not the other.
supposedly a big factor is base excitement for a candidate. For example Obama had that. Inmate P01135809 has that. In 2020 there was just more who wanted to keep him out. Depending on voters voting to keep the other guy out isn’t as reliable.
Yeah it’s pretty detestable and probably the biggest strike against her. At the same time I have to be realistic is she is a Republican and to win the nomination you have to do that dance. My *hope* would would be she would tack to the middle and distance herself from him in the future.
I said I'd consider him because I respect him. a lot can happen between now and the election. I could live with every president in my lifetime except Trump, and I can live with anyone besides him. He's the only president who didnt truly love America or respect the Constitution.
I would be happy if Biden appointed Kamala to be the ambassador to the UN and chose Klobuchar to be his VP. I think Klobuchar is a non exciting but great administrator. Doubt she will ever win a nomination but would be a competent president.
I also think Nikki Haley would not be a horrible choice for president. I think our democracy may not survive another Trump presidency or a Desantis one for that matter.
Voters prefer progressive policies. Progressive doesn't mean younger. The most energizing candidate for the progressive left in the Democratic Party is in his 80s. And the system, as it is designed, doesn't care what people generally want. It cares what a very small subset of occasional voters in a few states want. Thank the electoral college for that. If the system cared what people wanted, Trump would never have been President.
Prospect theory would argue the opposite. Losses loom larger than gains. Been shown a number of times. Fear of Trump and what he would do is more motivating than anything a Democrat can promise.