Former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley is the only GOP presidential candidate who is leading in a hypothetical matchup with President Biden, according to a new poll. The CNN poll, released Thursday and conducted by SSRS, found that Haley led Biden 49 percent to 43 percent, while every other major Republican candidate remains neck-and-neck with Biden. Let’s go!!! Haley is gonna wipe the floor with these out of touch, ivory tower gender-bending libbies. Damnit I’m pumped!
I said that she was the only one with a chance to beat Biden and of course a couple of the board right winders disagreed with me
I’m optimistically open to learning more, something I can’t say with regards to Trump or DeSantis. If she is in fact a true conservative, not the fanatical MAGA variety, I’d be more likely than not to vote for her in the general election.
That poll has serious flaws but whatever. The right ain't leaving their house to vote for Nimrata Randhawa any more than they are for Rommy Swammy. They won't have to though because the GOP ain't ever nominating either one of them.
I might vote for her over joe - let’s see if she gets pulled into maga cult with talk of conspiracy and death to anyone outside of maga. But so far I like her and imo came off as pragmatic in debate. she bashed Biden but also called out inmate P01135809: “And Donald Trump added $8 trillion to our debt, and our kids are never going to forgive us for this,"
I think Haley or RD need to drop out early and the other one name them as a running mate. 2 v 1 in the primaries might work.
Asa Hutchinson is the only pube I'd consider. Policy is less important for me than integrity. I don't think Haley has much. Too wishy-watchy for my taste.
I’ll spell it out for ya pal. It’s exactly what y’all libbies will say and always say. Beat ya to it.
The poll confirmed what I have always thought i.e. Nikki Haley would be far and away the strongest Republican candidate in a general election. The fact that the deranged and indicted former president remains the overwhelming favorite for the Republican nomination is a real indicator that the Republican Party of today has devolved from the normal center-right political party that it was when Reagan, both Bushes, John McCain and Mitt Romney were its nominees into a cult of personality focused on the worship of one charismatic individual.
Welp, that would push me back to Biden. I could never vote for DeSantis after seeing what has done and what he is capable of doing.
And her lead is by a decent margin…. “Haley led Biden 49 percent to 43 percent, while every other major Republican candidate remains neck-and-neck with Biden.”
Biden vs. Haley = massive failure on the part of the electorate, which is arguably the larger problem.