What scares the hell out of me is that should Trump be elected and while not likely still a very real possibility he will do exactly what he is accusing Biden of doing, weaponizing the government. A second Trump term will mark the end of the US as a constitutional republic. Unlike during his first administration Trump will make sure not to appoint competent independent persons whose first loyalty is to the Constitution rather than the Dear Leader. The second time around Trump's Attorney General, FBI Director, Secretary of Defense and IRS Commissioner just to name a few will all be complete Trump sycophants whose only loyalty is to Donald Trump.
I have an idea, how about we imagine a post from you which doesn’t bring up race randomly, because, after all, isn’t that the textbook definition of racism?
Whatever. Just remember we're talking about the same Trump who canned Jeff Sessions because Sessions actually acted ethically and recused himself; the same Donald Trump who canned James Comey essentially because he refused to pledge loyalty to the Don; the guy who ended up replacing Bill Barr (who resigned rather than being fired by Trump) for telling Trump the truth that massive election fraud was a myth; and has strongly implied that if elected he would fire Christopher Wray, the same guy he appointed as Director of the FBI. From 2020 when the Dear Leader was still in office. Trump embarks on expansive search for disloyalty as administration-wide purge escalates
What can I say. Apparently you're convinced that if he is elected Trump will govern like a normal president rather than a organized crime boss who demands absolute loyalty and punishes his real and perceived enemies. Although the facts seem to indicate the latter based on Trump's past behavior and his own statements for some reason you seem to disagree.
can I be real with you for a brief moment. I have put zero thought into Trump being elected. He will not get my vote in the primary, and likely not get my vote in the General. I would vote for Hillary if Biden dropped out. ( and I mooned her in Chicago) Biden is a disaster if you review him without Trump in your rear view mirror. We have to do better than a “not Trump” POTUS. With that said, however, I think I fall into the “not Biden” camp lol. I don’t think Biden will be on the ballot. I think the Dems are setting up Newsome to come in, and Biden has been playing this whole time. I think Biden is using whatever political capital he has left to try to take Trump off the ballot as well. I am not 100% certain that Trump will be the republican nominee either. Either through the voters or through the court ramifications. We will see.
I think she was hot 20 years ago. That explains it…but I did not know that they were together. That’s gross…for her.
Every you mentioned was during a presidency when he had competent people around him keeping him from destroying our method of government. This time he wouldn’t have to worry about a re election bid. I hope this country realizes that.
Vivek Ramaswamy’s no good, very bad week https://thehill.com/opinion/campaign/4177498-vivek-ramaswamys-no-good-very-bad-week/ Unfortunately for Team Vivek, all that media coverage is causing more of a headache than his handlers anticipated. The problem appears to be Ramaswamy himself — or, more specifically, Ramaswamy’s botched attempts to run away from his own on-the-record statements. And unlike Republican frontrunner Donald Trump, Ramaswamy lacks a built-in base of loyalists willing to spin his bizarre blunders. On Monday night, Ramaswamy sat down for what should have been a softball interview with Fox’s most outspokenly conservative anchor, Sean Hannity. The conversation quickly derailed when Hannity called out Ramaswamy for misrepresenting his position on ending aid to Israel. *** Maybe Ramaswamy is off his game after a tough weekend that included a “Meet the Press” appearance where the candidate, who has proposed requiring young voters to pass a civics test in order to vote, had no idea about what the vice president could and couldn’t do. When asked what he would have done differently from Pence on Jan. 6, 2021, Ramaswamy offered a list of impossible proposals.