Get Well soon David. I also deal with AFIB. Fortunately I haven’t had any episodes lately. You know what to do, eat right, excercise, don’t smoke and just take it easy. College Football is almost here.
Growl, I sure hope you're making some decent progress. I know it'll take a minute, but we're pulling for you. Go Gators.
So you can probably guess my recovery has not gone as I had planned. While I am no worse than I was two weeks ago, I do not feel much better. Tuesdays and Thursdays are filled with rehab and nurses and not much energy a day or so afterward. My walking is the hardest thing to rehab, my right foot that was affected just will not straighten up. The vision remains the same. I do see my retinologist on the 31st as my scheduled follow-up. I hope he can help or find me someone who can. I still hope to be available for the game. Not for work but just to be able to enjoy the game. Thanks for your support.
We’re all pulling for you Growl. Hate to hear that your progress is slower than expected. Here’s hoping you get this turned around soon. Go Gators
That has to be quite scary for everyone involved. Best wishes for a full recovery and no future ones!
Just now reading your update, Growl. Sorry things have not improved, my brother. Hang in there and try not to fret. Easier said than done, I know. But worrying doesn't help so stay positive and I KNOW you will be back to normal soon. Love you, Baz
Thanks, today was better. Cannot drive or walk independently puts a drag on a person. Plus the wife is having to pick up the slack
Geeze, Growl, I hope the heck you can get some good Doc's working on ya soon... I have a Gator pal that had a stroke a few years back and while he isn't completely cured, he has made remarkable progress 'over time'. And while everyone's circumstances are different, he is about your age. They worked his butt pretty hard in rehab- I'll tell ya that much. After a while, his progress kind of plateaued off. He's living a good life now. Keep fighting to get better. Work the rehab hard and eventually you'll get results. I think perseverance and patience is the key. I suppose there is a certain amount of acceptance that we all have to implement and utilize in the way we hold these things. It's not unlike an ACL, as far as timing goes. It takes a minute. We sure are all pulling for you, Growl. May the Good Lord guide the hands of the folks helping you, including your wife. Go Gators.
Here’s hoping for many more years of Gator sports history with the forums, and you are a big part of it. Wishing you a complete speedy recovery!