Same difference in practice, thats why it needs to go. If cops need to break the law to stop crime, cops dont need to exist. Lets try something else.
I'm also marveling about a poster starting both this thread and one in which he was mad about overzealous cops enforcing a possibly dubious law in GB. I guess UK cops are built different.
except my other post wasn’t about cops, was it. But I’m glad you find me marvelous. I feel marvelous.
If they've already kicked in my door what are the cops going to do? Can I ask the guy to wait around? Maybe let me photograph him so I can show the cops whenever they finally show up?
I absolutely was about cops doing their job lol, you just came to different conclusions that suit your views. If you think that law could happen here, why would you want to give cops any kind of immunity?
We had a self described anarchist on here several years ago who was advocating for much the same thing. The result being private security forces (and everything else the government does: fire depts, roads etc being private) for those who can afford them. Feudalism has been tried before.
An-caps have a limited imagination. And given your final sentence, its no surprise they often flirt with monarchy lol.
It's not easy being a police officer. You just try and follow orders and do your job and then you have guys like this just fantasizing about shooting you if you look at them wrong.
actually, it was about stupid laws that result in the exact opposite outcome of what the law was allegedly intended to correct. So LOL back at you.
My cats are doing well, UFLawyer! Thanks for asking! To answer your op question, no, I would not want to be a police officer right now...but and there's always a but, reforms to policing can not only make it better for the public but for police, making it a more attractive career. We don't need to uphold the status quo simply because this has been the way it's been done (I know you didn't say that, just adding it in...because I can on a discussion board lol). In other words, we don't have to imagine a state without police but can imagine a state where police serve the public in a way that is a much better for everyone.