In fact, the guy bopping people on the head with a chair was straight out of the WWE playbook I have no idea what ur talking about
If it fks flies or floats rent it. That’s the saying anyway. Just celebrated my 21st anniversary though. Lol, so I’m 2 for 3
Regardless of race, the people coming to the rescue and witnessing from the riverboat could easily see what was going on. They could actually see the security guard telling the dipshits to move their boat so that the riverboat could dock. It’s not like they had to guess.
Seems that if these bozos have been a chronic problem at this site, the property owner could pursue trespassing charges and or an order for them to stay off the property.
Hitting people with chairs is an act that garners a lot of cheers, applause and excitement from the millions of fans of WWE wrestling
I’ve not seen it but to be fair to me I don’t go to bars with folding chairs. I’m sure this is a thing in those bars…
I solved that problem shortly after I recognized that (hot) women avoid cocktail lounges with stools.
According to them, yes, they would have. Boat Captain: Wild Riverfront Attack on My Deckhand WAS Racially Motivated “It was just shipmates trying to help a shipmate,” he said. “They could’ve been little green men, for all they cared. When they attacked Damien, my crew was gonna jump out and do the best they could to help him out. It was my crew against the people who attacked their shipmate, that’s all it was.” Kittrell described any ship’s crew as more of a brotherhood than that of a typical work relationship. He said he has known Pickett for 10 years, setting off on voyages together that are sometimes several days long. They have grown to care deeply about each other, as have the rest of the crewmen, Kittrell said. Or race indeed played a role. Riverboat Brawl Boat Employee Claims White Men Said N-Word, Threatened to Get Gun
You won’t have to, the Landing has been demolished a while back. It had its glory days, but it’s definitely time for something else that is classier and more family-friendly
I wrote a few of those tickets when I was a fire investigator. Fire lane violations too. The owners screamed, cussed, a couple women cried. One woman who cussed at me got a reply of,,,, mam, you could have parked 30 feet away for free but you chose instead to pay a steep price for parking. She was driving a top of the line Mercedes. Lol
Finally, Alabamians can claim that Pickett finally won Pickett's Charge. (Pickett was the black guy who was charged by the angry white guys.) The South's gonna rise again! Yeehaw! Only took 160 years.