You have never been on my boat then. If someone wants to put a 6 pack in the cooler I will usually allow that but that is about the limit. More often than not people know my feelings about beer on my boat and respect my feelings.
Color me shocked. BOAT: Break Out Another Thousand. I had a good client give me a used boat for my birthday one year. That was the most expensive free thing I've ever owned.
That was my impression as well. Drunk idiots looking to be idiots. The hit the white kid that tried to intervene
They would get their asses beat in any town for being dipshits. I know you really want this to be race bait, but it’s just not.
Did they yell that at the white kid they hit? Maybe they’re blind? Makes sense the way they were attempting to fight
Americans tend to celebrate violence. Ever been to a bar showing a boxing or MMA fight? In fact, the guy bopping people on the head with a chair was straight out of the WWE playbook, another celebrated American institution.
What bars do you go to? I’ll admit, I’ve spent far more times in bars, in all sorts of places, and I’ve never seen that
We are posting on a message board for a violent contact sport, where people cheer players geting laid out with a hard hit
I’m not thinking anything. I have no idea if those guys are racist or not. They might well be. But that would not be a prerequisite for the fight they started. I suspect they started the fight because they were drunk, and perhaps it’s in their character to be bullies or thugs (someone posted that they caused trouble at that location previously). That is, however, speculation on my part. It’s probably safe to say that the blacks that came to the deckhand’s rescue did so to rescue one of their own race. This is evidenced by the recorded calls of people to help a brother. That is understandable and I think admirable. I wonder if they also would’ve come to the rescue of the guy if the attackers had been black. Maybe they would’ve seen the equal injustice in that and come to his aid. I would hope so. If the attackers were black and the deckhand was white, I wonder how many would’ve come to his aid. We can speculate all we want on these things, but we really need to go on just the facts that we have at hand. If new facts are revealed, then we can adjust our opinions. Right now I see drunken jerks, who wouldn’t move their boat a few feet so that the riverboat could dock. I hope they are prosecuted fully.
Chair guy may get a felony. Never pick up an object and use in it a fight. My wife was a former prosecutor.