Chicago: At Least 25 Shot Friday Through Sunday Afternoon ( She was “in the 3500-block of North Long Avenue” when a man who was “known to police” walked up to a group of people and opened fire around 9:40 p.m. After shooting at the people, he shot Medina in the head. She had just returned home with her father after getting ice cream. Medina was rushed to the hospital where she died. Just after midnight Sunday, a 19-year-old “in the 2900-block of South State Street” was shot in the face and fatally wounded. Within minutes of that shooting, an 18-year-old and a 20-year-old were shot. The 18-year-old survived the incident, but the 20-year-old succumbed to his wounds. Around 2 a.m., a man who has yet to be identified was shot “in the 12100-block of South Ashland Avenue.” He was pronounced dead at the hospital. This dumb ass ran on defunding the police but has increased the amount of the police to protect him and his family, and yet those idiots keep on electing people like himself
I had no idea what was going on in the stock market but after seeing this retread title of a long running THFSG trope I knew it had to be up... and sure enough.. yep..
Sounds like didn’t exactly run on a defund the police platform, but on using funds for inner city jobs programs to get some of these kids off the streets and into a productive role, and to expand mental health initiatives. It was mostly his opponents who spun that into “defund the police”. Ultimately his campaign vowed to not cut a penny from the police budget. “As the race entered the homestretch, Johnson vowed not to cut the police department by even “one penny” and promised to redirect $150 million within the police department’s budget. That includes an additional $50 million to fund reform efforts and comply with the consent decree, according to Johnson’s campaign.”
It's clear that gun crime is a problem. For those that keep bringing this up, I'm curious what proposals they might raise to address the issue?
In addition to not cutting the police budget, his platform included promoting 200 officers to detectives so they can more thoroughly investigate and prosecute crimes, creating a database of illegal guns in the city, opening mental health treatment centers, and improving inner-city education as a former teacher in Cabrini-Green. He's everything the right claims to want in a black community leader.
Therapy would help with the root cause and help resolve the deep rooted issues on why the need to pick up a gun and to shoot their fellow man. Or do you believe we should do nothing and just tell them their lives are messed up because of Slavery and Jim Crow?
Another big city run by Democrats crime thread. Never addressing the per capita statistics from less populated red areas.
This is the OP's second thread this week rehashing old Obama tropes. The psychological damage 44 did to the white supremacists in this country is immeasurable.
Or for that matter the fact that the majority of firearms used by criminals in Chicago originated in Red states run by Republicans. Said it before in terms of the probability of actually being caught gun running is probably the perfect crime. Thanks to the NRA law enforcement agencies have been denied the valuable tool of a national database of gun purchases.
Maybe you should go to the root of the problem. Talk to the mother and father, if you can find them. Find out what type of family unit they were raised in... good luck. Did they have any mentors. Were they encouraged to treat other people with respect, work at getting an education, know the difference between right and wrong. Oh, that's all probably asking way too much. This is way more than just guns, as some of you want to make it out to be. It's about being brought into the world with virtually no support system and having to fend for yourself.
They were definitely taught wholesome American values like violently defending yourself, others and your property, I assume they got some of the other stuff too.