Your defense of your point keeps being, "Well, if you look at the million reasons why people would like the movie, that explains why they would see it." Yeah, that has been my point. People don't care if the movie is "preachy." They'll happily go see it if they think it's entertaining and something they will like. Also, I know plenty of dudes (including myself) who saw the movie.
As usual, you miss the forest for the trees. The vast majority of people who went to see Barbie did not go see it for its feminist messaging. A vast majority didn't even know that it would have such strong feminist messaging. The movie wasn't marketed that way. The appeal was the star power with the actors, the set and costume design, and the nostalgia. The people who made the movie knew that so they leaned into those things. Then, they threw feminist messaging in with all of that to stroke their own egos.
The movie has made a billion dollars. People know about the film's "messaging." Folks who think like you made sure they knew. The film has continued to make money. Why? Because people couldn't give less of a shit if a movie is "preachy" if they like it, directly disproving the theory you tried to push a few months ago and proving the point I made in response. You continue to argue against a straw man of your own creation (that people go to the movie because it is preachy) instead of my actual argument (that a movie being preachy doesn't deter people from seeing it) to avoid having to admit your error. I also think it's funny that Barbie's message, that we shouldn't treat groups as second-class citizens, is considered "feminist." I guess it is, broadly speaking. But something tells me that isn't the sort of "feminism" that "conservatives" complain about.
That was generally the fourth choice. Not surprisingly in Too Hot very few people have a mild view of it.
Some brands are big enough to overcome preachiness, that doesn't make preachiness a feature rather than a bug.
Not allowed here, everyone has to have an opinion on everything, even if you will never watch it (see the women's soccer thread)
If merely that is your argument, then Barbie's success does not prove your argument. It simply proves that some films have so many other things going for it, that it can overcome being preachy.
In other words, being "preachy" didn't deter people from going to see it because other things are more important. Thanks.
I have no idea if some butthurt conservative didn't go. I'm not worried about individual decisions from weirdos. It's a billion dollar movie. Its "preachy" message hasn't deterred regular people from going.
Well now you're moving the goalposts. First it was a "preachy message" doesn't deter people from going. Now it's that a "preachy message" doesn't deter "weirdos" from going, which is probably about as broad of a term for you as "racist."
This is a stupid argument, but of course Americans love preachy movies, as long as they're the choir, some people see Barbie, some people the Sound of Freedom, they just want to be assured they are good because they saw the good movie for good people
It's the opposite. The "preachy" message doesn't deter regular people from going. I don't care what some isolated weirdos do. They don't meaningfully affect box office success. But it is always amusing to watch you try to shift the terms of the debate rather than simply admit that you were wrong.
You're the one shifting the terms of the debate. You're saying a whole swath of people don't count because they're weirdos, which again is probably about as broad as "racist" for you. Your argument doesn't actually say or mean anything. You get to dictate which people count and which don't count, which is the whole discussion. If all of the people who are deterred don't count, then you're really not saying anything except that people who don't like 3rd wave feminist messaging are weirdos.