I'm usually more reserved but this is now twice. Any graph you present that shows the Holes are 4X more popular than Notre Dame is laughable (to me). scUM is 150% more popular than the same Notre Dame program? Louisville and NC State are just as popular? Yeah, I see the asterisks . . . but why even present such a fundamentally flawed graph?
ND plays 5 ACC games each year. Ignores ND/sc with 6.7 M in 22, 10.2 for OSU. 21- ND v Wiscy 5.7 m, 2 games that year,6.2 mil with uga 19- ND/ Mich 6.7 mil I could go on. By selecting only ACC gsmes true blockbuster ND games are ignored Nc and uva are garbage football programs.
Anyone who believes Virginia and North Carolina are going to bring an extra billion in tv money have lost their minds. TV already doesn’t want to pay for this bullshit ACC and a bunch of non football schools. If you think watering it down with these chumps is going to bring more money you are wrong.
Graph came from Sports Media Watch ( Sports Media Watch ) It's not been altered, if that is your concern. Nor was the other graph. Since your interpretation that the graph shows popularity is not correct, that could be the problem.
Awesome!!!! Please do... and don't forget how they play dirty, and feeding them easy money is BAD FOR THE GATORS. He needs to learn the football version of the Hippocratic Oath... Do NO harm... to our team. Giving those two dirty schools SEC money and prestige is a license to steal players from the Gators. No AD worth a damn would ever let that happen, and his decision will follow him where ever he goes for the rest of his life... if he lets them in the SEC.
I guess I’m a slow learner. I still don’t see how Miami improves the B1G. Maybe there are some bean counters sitting in cubicles somewhere in suburban Chicago that can explain it. If it’s TV revenue, how do you think a team that draws 18-22k at the stadium, when they’re mediocre, will magically make 8 million TV’s tune into the game?
Previous poster claimed UNC and UVa would be great additions to the conference. The graph indicates they add little to their conference. I doubt anyone would claim ND adds little, but the claim was UNC and UVa.
Stricklin & Co. really need to appreciate and internalize these fundamentals regarding our history and that of our rivals. We should never stand for ref$u or scUM being admitted into the SEC. Carry the torch!
While waiting for more information on the other graph, here are a couple more: This is more interesting to me:
As much as we may not like it, chances are they end up in one of the conferences eventually. I'd probably rather them in the SEC where it is going to be more difficult for them to find sustained success than the Big 10.