That first part (at least) is pretty vague. Which law enforcement? Weho law enforcement most likely. Highly doubtful it’s the majority of law enforcement in CA, which is why it’s stated so vaguely. It troubles me greatly that we see such diversion and word play on these children’s issues from the left. Obviously attempting to skirt the truth with lies, diversions and half-truths.
I’m sorry. I thought English was your 1st language. Which law enforcement agency endorsed the legislation? I’m not inspired that all of the leftist groups endorsed the bill. They endorse radical bills all the time. Water is wet. Now, which law enforcement agencies endorsed the bill?
He can't just let outside court decide whether it's okay to physically and mentally destroy a child though sexual operations, abuse. Abuse is abuse. This is straight up COMMUNISM... and it's UNCONSTITUTIONAL.
You apparently didn’t even read the 3 year old article. Judges already had the discretion whether or not to put men on sex offender list for vaginal sex. This just extended the same discretion to non vaginal sex. It is still a crime. It is just about discretion on whether or not to put in a sex offender list. One of your weaker efforts.
That is your default when someone puts facts in front of you. You cannot debate because you do not have facts on your side, so you throw a tantrum like the other zealot nut-jobs who post here and worship the new religion of the Republi-ban.
So if a 17 year old gives an 18 year old a BJ you think the 18 year old should go on the sex offenders list? The sex offenders list is meant to protect people for people who have a predilection for molesting children. It isn’t unfathomable for a 14 year old girl to seem 18. It is still a crime, but why put somebody on a list for that? If there is a history of such behavior or other circumstances the judge has the discretion to put them on the list.
So the Los Angeles County DA are prosecutors, not really law enforcement. But close enough, let's just say they are law enforcement and let's just assume then that "Los Angeles County DA" means that anybody and everybody who works for the left-wing Los Angeles County DA agrees with the sponsorship of this bill. California Police Chiefs Association and California District Attorneys Association are not law enforcement agencies. They are extracurricular organizations made up of law enforcement personnel and DA personnel. They don't, as an agency, enforce the law like the city police department, county sheriff, state police, etc. But let's just go ahead and say for the sake of argument, they're close enough, let's just make them law enforcement agencies too. Happy to concede that for the sake of simplicity. So giving you all of that. What the hell difference does it make? The governor endorses the bill too. That doesn't make me feel any different about it. I don't care of Kobe Bryant came back from the dead and endorsed it, it's still deplorable legislation. Can you explain a scenario to me that you'd be okay with the judge of a case electing not to put a guilty person on the offender's list if the guilty was 24 years old and the minor was 14? It doesn't matter if they're straight, gay, trans, whatever. Do you see any scenario where that would be appropriate? Do you think a 14 year old can give consent to someone 10 years older than them? I don't. I think that's deplorable. I don't care if Ronald Reagan came back from the dead and endorsed it (which he would never do - damn, he's likely spinning in his grave over this). It's bad bad bad legislation.
You clearly don't understand the legislation. It allows a judge to exclude a guilty sex offender from the registry for up to 10 years older than the minor. Not only did he sign that into law in 2020, he doubled down on it recently, expanding it to include anal and oral and we don't have to jump to conspiracy theories to figure out why he did that. LGBTQ+ has been up his ass about it since he signed the original bill in 2020. Why do they care about this special carve out for the registry? I mean, there's a reason Newsom signed it not once, but twice. Read the legislation.....10 years, the guilty molester can be up to 10 years older than the victim and a judge in CA can exclude the guilty molester from the registry. Read the legislation, McFly.
I haven’t read the law, but I don’t think the respective genders of the minor and the adult should matter when it comes to prosecuting adults for sexually abusing minors. It’s equally wrong whether the adult is gay or straight.