There was also another site I loved going to, I was splitting my time between here and there in the mid 2000's (2004-2009ish). I spent way more time here since this was a much larger forum of people. I "disappeared" from there for about 2 years and when I went back they all were happy to see me. LOL. I haven't been back in at least 3 or 4 years. I don't even remember the name of the site anymore. I think they changed the name. Sometimes people just find something else to do with their time.
I recall when I was on chatter, you PMd me as Mind the gap, and you could not understand the level of vitriol the board posters had to me, given my generally centrist views and mostly moderated tone.
I feel compelled to call BS here. I think I would have remembered such here and/or there, and do not remember any such talk.
I never saw it here. But I most definitely saw it over there. Very thinly veiled threats of violence was pretty much their jam over there when he decided to make or members only.
I stayed there for so long because of familiarity. I started posting on gator sports somewhere around 2003. After many years they kind of blew up that site and many defected to other sites. Some to “thegatorboard” and others eventually to chatter. I went to TGB and then eventually to chatter, as there were still some posters I had spent years with. I registered here many years ago but rarely posted because I perceived it as too filtered and over moderated. But in retrospect I’d prefer it to the alternative.
As always, thank you for your insights and thank you for starting this thread. It's a topic that garners interest every couple of years. Your intimate knowledge of people, forums, and posts is appreciated!
Strange indeed. Thx for link. I saw what you were saying about GGGs posts. Vanished. Erased. So I checked the members roster, and saw thst his name was not listed. Hmmmm...... hope he didn't die. But seems he retired--or was *retired* (or otherwise simply ceased posting). Hopefully he out grew this posting crap. Maybe found a gal, has a family... Hopefully.
That's been my annual new years resolution for years...perhaps decadeS... One of these years... (Days? Decades?...) Just. Stop. Logging in, posting...
Chatter went private 100% because of the craziness of the posters over there. It was a liability to have that in the public.
Oh there were definitely a couple of “kill ‘em all” type posts here too, around ‘16 and leading up to it. It was just that mods zapped them pretty quickly. Some of those people needed legit help.
I always thought you and Fred were the same person. Disclaimer this was just a joke wasn't meant as an insult. Never can be to safe anymore
Well this thread has done one thing for me--it's served as a painful reminder of how much precious life I've pissed away on here. So I'm going to give it the ol' college try here, bid ye all adieu, and try my level best to quit this shit cold turkey. Au revoir. (...and God bless the USA, and Go Gators!). P.S.--feel free to link this post if I ever chime in here again. '92 out. P.P.S.--thx for the inspiration, Oak. And Lacuna for bringing this into focus--like an intervention.