Were you a member of Gator Country 20 to 23 years ago? What I posted earlier about Liddy being a reboot of MastaGator, and carrying old grudges into his re-appearance as GGordonGator (Liddy) was information given to me byDocZaius. No doubt some of you who have hung around this place for a couple of decades recall Doc Zaius and his many, many permutations. Old GC drama; there were many.
Oh I know...he's @Sohogator, right? I'm so awesome at this! (Unfortunately I have him on ignore, so I guess I won't get to read how he reacts when he learns I blew his cover). If you see this...Hi plank/soho!
Umm no only one ID. I joined in 2012? got quickly put on a timeout because I came from another site where people don’t have to be so polite to each other. VERY UNFAIR! Then got insanely busy with all kinds of other things and completely forgot my password. Eventually I forgot about this site and when I eventually came back to it I just lurked. One day I just started guessing and it was a password I used years ago. Even now I’ve managed to forget it again and I can’t login on my phone. I don’t dare logout from my IPad…
Two Greats that I hope are still around but run off by the shift in how Too Hot has changed and been handled. Cannot blame them (I question regularly whether I should still post and I am sure this will bring the weak ad hominem attack)...
@lacuna. I meant to mention this before. AgingGator is not as old as his username suggests. If I recall correctly he said within the last month or two he was 58.