Minister of Information was a conservative presence when he was here. I think his son was also on here. Haven't seen either one in a coon's age. Or maybe it was LawDog and his son was MOI. I disremember
After reading his last interaction, I'm hopeful he decided the forum was no longer worth his time and he's doing well.
I don't miss either of them. Seems like y'all have way more than compensated for their loss. Just a couple fewer voices in the chorus, replaced by like 19 more.
You would have. He was without a doubt one of the best posters on TH, you can see how he still lives in their heads
I believe that in many cases, banned posters can come back with a simple request and agreeing to follow the rules. Others have burned bridges by getting in feuds with the top folks or simply burned too many second chances.
Oh yeah. His name for me is Ned Flanders because Homer hates Ned apparently. (I dont watch the show. I'm more of a Bob's Burgers guy when i need animated humor) Ironically one of the writers of the Simpsons actually refers to Ned as: "everything Homer would love to be, although he'll never admit it" So I guess GGG has a secret.