Correct. And I do not fall in the category of the rugged blue collar physical worker. I'm just saying you have to account for those people when we're talking about things like "equal pay" in terms of broad averages across society.
I think it’s actually a bit more complicated, as suggested by various studies of happiness and desires, probably starting with Richard Easterlin’s work in the 70s. Easterlin paradox - Wikipedia
Well. My 17 year old has returned from seeing it and given me the full breakdown. "Amazing! Blah blah blah.... Empowerment... Blah blah blah... Pink stuff ...blah blah blah... Amazing dad! You should see it! Blah blah blah." Sorry kiddo. Rays game starts at 6:40. I'm good.
You could not pay me to see a movie about Barbie dolls. Where do they come up with this stuff? First Legos , then emojis, now Barbie's, what's next cabbage patch dolls or beany babies?
They are trying to sell them more now on "They keep your family safe" type deals. The entire auto industry is in trouble after massively over pricing everything during the pandemic and after. Now lots are full of repos and new cars that nobody wants.
Whoa! Dude. If you havent seen the lego movies, they are amazing. The batman one is LOL funny. Seriously. Star studded voice cast and great writing. Plenty of humor for grown ups in those...My son and I watch them to this day. Lego Batman was crazy cool in 3D too. It was like being inside the movie. It wasnt gimmick 3D... it was immersive 3D.
Like I’ve always said….Democrats own the media and Hollywood. You seem to forget how powerful that is.
I never even thought of seeing those before. Might have to give one a try during some off time coming up.
They’re silly but if you like Will Arnett humor, it’s pretty funny. And not bad for watching it with the family.