I think y'all woulda got along famously. He was sharp, funny and did not mince words. Well, until you declined to do his bidding anyway, or otherwise failed to hate upon whom he hated--then prolly not so much. On second thought, you don't like Trump. ...he would therefore have deemed you a traitorous sell out, dogged you incessantly, and declared you a skirt wearing girly man--who loves him some bud light! (...and prolly posted pix of you getting a lap dance with Dylan Mulvaney, sharing some BL's....). yeah...NM.
The dude was very entertaining if nothing else. Definitely left an impression on pretty much everyone. Hell, look at how much play he's getting here, some 5 years removed...
Are you confusing it with the Pub? The Den is the insider football board and trust me, it makes (free) Swamp Gas look like a church picnic at times. It gets so bad that to get banned there means the site would rather lose your money than have you continue. And it does happen.
You would hate him. You are a libby compared to him. You also arent a self proclaimed chauvinist (in his profile mind you) among other things.
As long as we are remembering some guys, he definitely had it out for me and FastSix, who hasnt been seen around here in some time. One of the more enjoyable and funny posters from the recent past.
I loved 6. Butted heads, but really liked him. He crossed a line as well though. I dont remember the details, but he stepped in it.
I think fast was banned from here. Let's not forget shabby. Funny af and he knew that his antics would get him banned.