Yeah, they both were kinda dickish and arrogant in similar ways, but not the same person, unless GGL was showing serious restraint with the new alter ego
No chance. SS got along with me fine. GGG hates my guts and was weirdly obsessed with me at his new home on chatter. Beside GGG was never banned and had an open invitation to come back but never had the balls. (Dont hit the "post" button Tilly) Crap. Too late.
That Gordon guy is still the only poster on this site I wanted to beat the chit out of. So full of himself and pompous to the max. I usually laugh at those I disagree with but that guy deserved to be brought down a few pegs. Skeptic was never full of himself like that. Louisville is neither of them. But that Brevin victory party may be the best/funniest thing on thfsg, ever. Skeptic was like Bacardi gold; GGG was like moonshine. Gainesville green to meth laced with fentanyl. Ain't no way those 2 cats were the same. GGG couldn't let go a grudge if his mother's soul depended on it; skeptical was about as cas as any poster on here ever. If GGG morphed into skeptic, that's some serious maturing, that could only be attributed to professional help, and some serious psychotropics.
That was an all timer, he briefly hung around until like 2020 giving nuclear takes like using tanks against protestors and to level city blocks but he didnt have that dog in him anymore, Bevin broke him
Orangeandbluke is easier to tolerate if you take most of what he says as satirical hyperbole. I think he enjoys riling people up. If you don’t poke the bear he is more tolerable.
Sometimes we catch them and usually ban them again if they were banned under the previous name. Sometimes there is a legitimate reason to change names and no problem then.
I remember. I think it was 100k in early April of 2020. A week or so later the 100k total had already been exceeded. This link is from April 28, 2020. The US has now passed 1 million confirmed Covid-19 cases