Yep - interesting that the bot posts have become lengthier, but I got that vibe right away and reported it.
The "to what end" has always intrigued me. Who puts the time or energy into a bot like this on a random message board?
I thought y'all were kidding at first. If there are bots on these sorts of boards, is it possible that PACs or even campaigns are paying for or using them? I guess I have expected those sorts of accounts on Twitter but maybe didn't think they extended to a board like this?
Same. I have pointed out a couple on here and one bot even got indignant about it. Gave me a dislike for pointing it out and responded to Tilly with “Watch me!” I was curious so I found the bot and it hasn’t posted in the five months since I called it out. joesuarez
I think you underestimate this site. It is the #1 sports site in a (used to be) important swing state and has a political section. We have had an obvious Russian troll posting on the War thread for quite some time.
Russians sinking so much effort into bots seemed like a dimwit idea five years ago. Turns out it is genius. It works, and takes advantage of the very dynamic they want to crush.
Very often when I want to read more about a topic I found here, the link to the thread here will be on the first page of results.
DeSantis is, IMHO a governor that has an easy time with the Florida legislature, but he would be Romney 2.0 in the WH... Not sure I will ever trust a poor man (relatively speaking, regarding his own cash, not political/campaign finances) to run our country. The way our system works makes them easy targets for grifters/spacial interest groups with cash to burn. But rich Liberals are even worse than RINOs..
Could be biased because Google knows you visit this site. The better way to gauge site visibility in a user agnostic way is to do a search in an incognito browser tab. Even that might be biased by location, though. I'm not certain.
I don’t understand the analogy to Romney. Isn’t Romney really wealthy? edit: just did a quick internet research, which unreliably shows he’s worth about $200 million +/-,estimated%20at%20%24190%E2%80%93250%20million.&usg=AOvVaw0e3IjyNlIGt0LUy4xe-x2w&opi=89978449
$174.7 million (if the linked info is correct,) the 5th wealthiest member of Congress. Rick Scott is the richest member of Congress, $259.7 million. List of current members of the United States Congress by wealth - Wikipedia