Through our continued participation on GatorCountry forums many of us have become friends and concerned with the health and well being of others who similarly particiapte. I've not been on the forums as much this summer, busy with other matters, so had missed the absence of AgingGator, brought to my attention by duchen this morning. A brief search of his posting and last log in history indicates AgingGator last logged in and posted on June 24th. Nothing since. On the off chance someone reading this might know him, or have off site contact information, please let me or duchen know how we might contact him or his family. As I have posted previously when long time members of GC have gone missing, it would be a courtesy to those of us who do care about each and every one of you as real life people, more than an opinion on a message board, to give someone you trust your off site contact information. Be Well.
Another who has been mia for quite a while - @slightlyskeptic. I can't seem to find his profile either.
Hopefully aging is enjoying umbrella cocktails and sunsets on the beach at a distant resort in the Caribbean, far away from the muckety muck of Too Hot.
I wish you libbies would try a moderate approach to life and stop running off the normal, insightful posters.
I wish you would stop polluting every thread with your childish nonsense. I hope those MIA have found something more fulfilling to do with their time.
Nobody ran 'slightlyskeptic' off. He was a strong assertive personality who came on board, posted for a time, then disappeared of his own volition. I have inklings, an intuition as to other identities this poster might possess, but no proof. In short - he reminded me of G_Gordon_Gator. Remember him?
I don't see that at all. That gordon guy was a grade A jackass. Slightly skeptic was a good poster. Hope he comes back.
My theory has always been that this one became okechobee, and that both are connected to LouisvilleGator (the “Bevin’s victory party” and “covid is more rare than lightning strike” guy). I could be wrong and it’s just random coincidence, but the timing of the accounts and posting style seem to flow, but I’m not a mod so I’m just going on memory. I was actually thinking UFLawyer’s posting style reminded of the G.Gordon guy, but in the 2seconds I spent on that other site before it went private I’m pretty sure they were separate characters over there.
DallasGuyGator, I think that was his name, was another good active poster that vanished a year or so ago.
Skeptic had some good inside perspective on Covid, as he was either a PA or an RN serving on the front lines. He didn't buy into any of the whackadoodle conspiracies because he saw the reality first hand.
I thought Louisville was posting on the basketball boards not too long ago. Maybe he just vacated the TH area.
I have only my suspicions that skeptic was a reappearance of Liddy. That particular poster had a l-o-n-g adversarial history with Gator Country stretching back to when he posted here as MastaGator about 20 years ago. When he returned in the guise of Liddy (what I called him) was with the exact intention of doing what he did, causing disruption and chaos. And for a time he suceeded when he was successful in leading a large contingent of conservative posters to another site. Like a pied piper they followed him to chat elsewhere, in a forum where there is a distinct lack of civility.