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42% of Gen Z diagnosed with a mental health condition, survey reveals

Discussion in 'Too Hot for Swamp Gas' started by Swamplizard, Nov 8, 2022.

  1. lizardbreath

    lizardbreath GC Hall of Fame

    Aug 30, 2017
    Pace, FL
    Are they talking about GenZ or Gator Fans?
    • Funny Funny x 2
  2. lacuna

    lacuna philologist VIP Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    Redlands, Colorado
    A lot of factors coming into play.. it's complex and complicated. You make excellent points.

    Women dressing to impress other women certainly comes into play. But even as some sort of competition to impress, I think it's still a type of confidence builder that gives the 'winner' an edge in the game.
  3. Trickster

    Trickster VIP Member

    Sep 20, 2014
    What's "extreme" about it? My musing by no means excludes the beauty of being alive and interacting with my fellow man. I intentionally used seems in my second sentence because I don't interact with teenagers beyond my grandchildren and what I read. I many be wrong about the despair of youngsters. I hope I am.

    I am not wrong about our planet. I read and enjoy your intelligent posts, and I think you share the same concerns about what our species is doing to our planet. Poster 36 thinks "we're working in that direction", but I think it's baby steps. Yet, I know we can't do it alone. Thus the pessimism.
  4. lacuna

    lacuna philologist VIP Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    Redlands, Colorado
    I changed my rating on your post from friendly to agree, as I am in agreement with what you posted with the exception of your last statement. You are not a 'downer' I have found you to be a friend who has frequently offered words of encouragement and affirmation. I thank you for that, Friend.

    I believe we will be 'saved' to the extent we pro-actively invest in our own salvation. Though given a lot of lip service that effort is virtually non existent, outside a few circles of people actively working towards righting the wrongs and imbalances of the world. The current madness is but an indicator of the chaotic situation. Until we learn to be kind and unselfish and find a workable balance in all things, we work against ourselves. It is my belief 'God' is not 'a' being, but rather actionable process. What and how we invest into and work with the process determines what we reap. To our detriment we have not worked harmoniously and are reaping of the greed and indifference we have sown. Is there time to right all the wrongs and save some fragment worth saving? God only knows and the world is inflamed, angry, and sick.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  5. DesertGator

    DesertGator VIP Member

    Apr 10, 2007
    Frisco, TX
    While I don't doubt the pandemic has had some impact here, and I'm absolutely sure that social media has, this is hardly a new thing. It's just become more "mainstream" (not the right word, but it'll have to do).

  6. GatorRade

    GatorRade Rad Scientist

    Apr 3, 2007
    Right here
    No sorry, I didn’t mean to imply that. I was just suggesting that “read the survey” doesn’t usually convince others when the surveys’ results go against their viewpoint. In this case, I was using the example of ‘unflattering to republicans’ because I know that dad holds republicans in high esteem.
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2022
    • Fistbump/Thanks! Fistbump/Thanks! x 2
  7. tampagtr

    tampagtr VIP Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    • Fistbump/Thanks! Fistbump/Thanks! x 1
  8. Spurffelbow833

    Spurffelbow833 GC Hall of Fame

    Jan 9, 2009
    I refuse to believe that only 42% of Gen Z are liberals.
    • Funny Funny x 3
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  9. Spurffelbow833

    Spurffelbow833 GC Hall of Fame

    Jan 9, 2009
    I'm more concerned with the assertion that most people under 25 are mentally incompetent. Depression is the inevitable outcome for a species that is no longer struggling against nature. We have too much time on our hands.
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  10. GCNumber7

    GCNumber7 VIP Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    Says every generation about the next.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
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  11. mrhansduck

    mrhansduck GC Hall of Fame

    Nov 23, 2021
    Think I agree in part. Not sure we really have more free time. Even many kids have full calendars these days. But as a species, we definitely spend less time time outdoors in nature and less time doing manual tasks and more time readings emails and texts instead of interacting with people in person. I am not sure the human body or brain are meant for the amount of information we are receiving on a daily basis either. The collective level of stress seems higher for all age groups to me.
    • Like Like x 1
  12. gatordavisl

    gatordavisl VIP Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    northern MN
    It calls to question the nature of the sampling from the study and the extent to which it may be generalized to the greater population.
  13. gatordavisl

    gatordavisl VIP Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    northern MN
    Last night I gave a session for our student professional organization on facing anxiety and burnout - how to De-stress. I believe you have encapsulated a huge part of the issue related to mental health for youth, but also the true solution. It's near impossible for individuals to be helped if they are not willing to seek it out. I realize you may have been referring to spiritual salvation, but believe it applies widely.

    I'm not that kind of doctor, but have had some experience working with young people and observing their challenges. Isolation and disengagement are major issues, largely due to the proliferation of virtual existence. Unfortunately, the kids who needed to hear the session probably were not present.

    Two tips I suggested: 1) build and maintain your community of friends. They must depend upon each other for support. 2) prioritize.
    I wanted to "encourage" them to stick to studying, practicing music, tending to projects, etc. but instead shared Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. The theory suggests that humans are incapable of growth/self-actualization until physiological and psychological needs are met.

    • Like Like x 2
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  14. gatordavisl

    gatordavisl VIP Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    northern MN
    Often your attempts at humor are successful. This one, not so much.
    • Disagree Bacon! Disagree Bacon! x 3
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  15. Orange_and_Bluke

    Orange_and_Bluke Premium Member

    Dec 16, 2015
    I chortled.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  16. gatordavisl

    gatordavisl VIP Member

    Apr 8, 2007
    northern MN
    • Funny Funny x 3
  17. Emmitto

    Emmitto VIP Member

    Apr 3, 2007
    I would posit that once you hit a certain awareness/intellectual level, and it’s not very high, you are naturally tormented.

    Existential questions, survival of the fittest in a money grab society, etc.

    If you think about life much at all, being depressed is unsurprising.
    • Winner Winner x 2
  18. exiledgator

    exiledgator Gruntled

    Jan 5, 2010
    I bet sandermills has a subscription to cure us all.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. murphree_hall

    murphree_hall GC Hall of Fame

    Jul 11, 2019
    There are legit reasons why strong people have mental health issues, whether younger or older. I know a lot of mentally tough combat veterans, parents, executives, etc... who are suffering right now.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  20. BigCypressGator1981

    BigCypressGator1981 GC Hall of Fame

    Oct 11, 2011
    Totally agree. A huge part of happiness is successfully distracting yourself from the unavoidable reality that eventually you and everyone you’ve ever loved will die. A lot of people cope with this inevitability with religion. Others do it by keeping themselves busy and focusing on details rather than dwelling on big picture existential concepts. It’s not always easy.
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