Ahh another fine racists post from a left leaning poster. If you didn’t vote for me you ain’t black Certainly comes to mind…
Hmm That doesn’t seem to actually address the topic of a secret breeding program for poorly educated white males now does it.. How would people react if someone said that Biden was counting on a secret breeding program for stupid black people to vote for him? No… no one would find it racist to claim black peoples who vote for Biden are racists.. never.. But carry on
Nono I didn’t call him anything but a left leaning poster. I said his post was racists and by the standards of this board it certainly was.
Mods, is the forum server having issues today? I’m having a lot of difficulty when I try to open up threads. When I click the thread title from the main page, it seems to be directing me to the wrong thread. I’ve clicked on the Hunter Biden thread five times just now, but it keeps redirecting me here where everybody is talking about Donald Trump. Anyone else having issues with the site?
Wow none of that happened. Biden extorted Ukraine to protect the company his son worked for but because Obama was ok with it libs say nothing to see here.
Yeah, I tried to quote a post and it said I was trying to read premium cone t. I promise.. the post I was trying to quote was anything but premium.
Didn’t Biden actually say that part out loud? That unless they fired the the prosecutor ( that just happened to be investigating Buriama) he was stopping the payment. He even went in to say that when they challenged him say I h the President promised he replied call him.. it ain’t happening if he is t fired. I seem to remember seeing a video along those lines.
Biden said that unless they fired the prosecutor who was supposed to be investigating Burisma but wasn't, and replace him with someone who would actually do the job, then he would stop the aid. It is kind of wild how something this well documented can be so successfully memory holed.
Where did Biden say replace him with someone who will investigate the company my son sits on the board of?
The prosecutor was corrupt and the entire EU wanted him removed as part of the fight against corruption in Ukraine. Are you that uninformed or just willfully ignorant?
IMO gif posts like the one referred to are suggestions and not insults. I.e. "why don't you consider a tissue if your feelings are so hurt" or "Do you need a tissue?" If posters are able to post that kind of line in prose (and they are w/in reason), then the gif should stand, imo. If the gif was a direct personal insult I.e. "you're stupid" or "you're ugly" then it would be deleted per the expressed forum rules.
Let’s go back in time again. Republican senators echoed Biden in urging Ukrainian president to reform prosecutor general's office
And from Foreign Policy in 2016. An entire history of Biden’s role with respect to Ukraine including the firing of Shokin. Everyone can read this and we won’t have to worry anymore about the lack of understanding why the EU, IMF and US insisted in firing Shokin at the cost of cutting aid. What Will Ukraine Do Without Uncle Joe? In short, as posted above, Shokin was corrupt and was part of the stalled reforms after the break from Russia. And it was more than Biden who wanted him gone. Of course, the US through Biden led. Long article but long on facts too. And contemporaneous. Not a re-write of history along a politics narrative.
News Flash: Being poorly educated is NOT a race. Don't make it an art form. The only certainty is that you don't have a clue what the word "racist" actually means. Like it not, poorly educated white males are the strength of Trump's base. Don't attack me for pointing that out, rather, enjoy your place. Trump overwhelmingly leads rivals in support from less educated Americans Donald Trump still king of the ‘poorly educated’ Poorly educated voters hold the keys to the White HousePoorly educated voters hold the keys to the White House https://www.npr.org/2020/09/03/9074...-without-a-college-degree-continue-to-decline Donald Trump loves the 'poorly educated' — and they love him
To refresh your memory. Lots of demands and lots of reasons to impeach. https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=30ea...i11a3JhaW5lLXMtcHJlc2lkZW50LW4xMDU4NTgx&ntb=1
No link of Joe Biden to foreign business deals. Hunter was selling the illusion of access to VP Biden. Goldman said Archer told the panel that Hunter Biden did put his father on speaker phone in the presence of business partners, but that business was never discussed. Dare I say……..Nothing burger Former business partner says Hunter Biden sold 'illusion' of access to Joe Biden, source says | CNN Politics Devon Archer told the House Oversight Committee on Monday that his former business partner, Hunter Biden, was selling the “illusion” of access to his father, according to a source familiar with the closed-door interview, the latest development in the Republican-led congressional investigations into the president’s son. The source also reiterated that Archer provided no evidence connecting President Joe Biden to any of his son’s foreign business dealings. Rep. Dan Goldman, a Democrat on the panel who sat through the portion of Archer’s interview where he was questioned by Republicans, also said there was a lack of evidence connecting the president to his son’s foreign dealings. Goldman said Archer told the panel that Hunter Biden did put his father on speaker phone in the presence of business partners, but that business was never discussed.
Only in maga world this lead balloon from Devon Archer a bombshell. Queue up the calls of "they got to him".