Shocked (sarcasm) that the campaign finance charges were dropped by the DA. I mean it was only like 90MM he funneled to Dem candidates and PACs. Let’s not pursue that because of a BS extradition treaty with the Bahamas. Laughable.
Conveniently ignoring his contributions to Republicans primarily through SuperPACs. Sam Bankman-Fried, Crypto-Republican?
I’m honestly interested in how people make the leap from a criticism of our Justice system to he must have lost a lot of money. Is it just stupidity or ignorance?
Laughable if you don't understand the applicable laws, correct result if you do. He still faces wire fraud and security fraud charges.
Although federal election receipts show that Bankman-Fried donated almost exclusively to Democrats, he claimed on a November phone call with YouTuber Tiffany Fong that he donated an equal amount to Republicans and Democrats. “All my Republican donations were dark,” he said, referring to political donations that are not publicly disclosed in FEC filings. “The reason was not for regulatory reasons, it’s because reporters freak the f—k out if you donate to Republicans. They’re all super liberal, and I didn’t want to have that fight.”
So, there is no proof that he actually donated to the R's? I have a hard time trying to decide whose words we believe and who's are fabricated. I guess it all depends on who you want to believe!!