Such as? I watch France 24 and DW. They're pretty pro-western, but professional enough (unlike EVERY American outlet) to not be complete hacks. Al Jazeera is actually pretty good on this issue too as they have no skin in the game. I also get Zeihan's daily update and follow a few people on YouTube. Reason I ask is I'm not hearing any of this at all except from what are clearly Russian/Chinese backed sites.
Your list was your opinion; my opinion is that we would have lost nothing at all, had we not apologized to the world for our efforts, which came directly and exclusively from the Left. We had nothing to apologize for, except for the apologizing, which we owed to our vets--who graciously, enthusiastically, signed up for the war effort--only to have our leadership apologize to the world for what they were doing (pretty much Viet Nam all over again...). C'est la vie. TBL is what you call 'strategic losses', I file under 'losing face'--to people less than us; people who count on us for their peace and stability.... Y'all just want to kiss France and Canada's et. al.'s. asses, for whatever @#$@#$ reason I can not fathom... But that's who y'all have become.
This is just one of several. He’s a former U.S. Marine who uses only Ukrainian maps and Western sources …
I’m not sure what we knew or didn’t know going into Iraq. Most of the world seemed to think there were WMD. But sitting here today, who knows what was truly known back then. As to the “apologetic globalists who have subsumed the Dem party,” though, I’d just point out that the Iraqi War was brought under a Republican Administration.
We definitely should have apologized to Iran (or at least the Iranian people since the Mullahs benefitted directly from that) for what happened in '53, and Guatemala for '54 and a host of others. There were also good fights like Korea, Iraq 1.0 and this. Being able to acknowledge your mistakes and get better is what separates us from the likes of Xi and Putin. Eyes on the prize! Your "liberal enemies" are the least of your worries.
Looks similar to some of the ones I visit. Polish geopolitical site, so take that for what it's worth. But they seem to play it pretty straight. Link to the site. They have new ones every few days.
Yeah, this guy is completely full of shit. You can tell because there is absolutely no nuance, no admission of anything resembling a defeat or setback or even miscalculation by Russia. IDK, maybe the western sources are just better at propaganda and realize the need for contrition to build credibility. But that's the easiest way to identify Russian crap (or even Western crap), utterly one sided. I find the English to be like this on the western side. Stupid shit like "Russian army breaking!" and similar non-credible nonsense headlines.
It is one-sided. And there are several ways we know without resting on Russian sources: Russia is fighting a war of attrition. Ukraine is fighting a war for territory. Russian MOD says several hundred Ukrainian soldiers are dying every day. Ukrainian sources say that they are attacking everywhere. But Ukrainian maps are unchanged. US and UK media bemoans horrific Ukrainian losses and fears the counter-offensive has been a spectacular failure. Zaluzhny complains that they are outgunned upwards of 10:1. Ukraine continues to conscript civilians. Russian holding back trained reservists. Zelensky constantly whining for more weapons. Now NATO throwing him under the bus. Tensions between Zelensky and Biden increasing. Etc., etc. Quick perusal of your website indicates that it’s a pile of Russia-hating dogshit, Poles being the craziest people in the world with the possible exception of the Baltics.
It is difficult to separate the wheat from the chaff CHF. What is undeniable is that the mighty Russian military machine has lost far more ground than gained in the last 18 months. Finland and Sweden are in NATO. Russia has lost significant military assets and suffered heavy casualties. The Russian economy is not exactly prospering either.
Looks like Russia might have found a huge pile of those cluster munitions Ukraine hadn’t had a chance to unwrap …
Russia has gained four new oblasts and controls about 20% of the former Ukraine it did not control before the war. NATO has officially inducted two nations that have long been unofficially NATO, for years, is scraping the bottom of its weapons stocks and has consigned Zelensky to janitor. The virulently anti-Putin news source Mediazona, working in conjunction with the BBC, is dismayed that it can only confirm 40k Russian dead. Russian economy doing about as well as ours, what with only 30% of Americans characterizing the economy as “good” and at least that many living paycheck-to-paycheck.
The Russians in Ukraine are an infestation, not welcome guests. And they are a deadly infestation at that. They are providing no useful service to Ukrainians that I can see. They are similar to a pack of rabid wolves running through someone's back yard. So, yes, they deserve to die. In a free society, the freedom is a big part of a country's identity. Giving up freedom to prevent a little damage to buildings and trees? Foolish trade off. It is much easier to fix damaged buildings and grow new trees than to re-gain freedom from a rapacious invader and subjugating nation like Russia. But you wouldn't know about that, would you? In your basement from which you rarely emerge, freedom and servitude are no different from each other, as long as Mom brings down food once in a while and doesn't make you do chores. There is nothing wrong with nationalism until you try to take over a country with it.
That's 19 years of success in Afghanistan! Better than anybody else. Certainly better than those clowns from the USSR.
We consider you a more gullible American than most (if not all) on this thread. You have to consult with your Russian (or pro-Russian) sources before you decide what is right or wrong. Though the thread of connection may be long, your sources are still doing the bidding of the Kremlin.
Any relation to Kanye, who is or was known to be pro-Hitler? Presumably someone who likes Hitler might also like Putin . . .
Yes, most Ukrainians have been raised to hate Russians and view them as contemptuous sub-humans. And as you can clearly see, it hasn’t helped them one little bit.
Putin starts threatening Poland. He believes that Poles should thank Russia for their independence (not blame Russia for several decades of captivity and abuse). Putin said that western Poland was a "gift" from Stalin. I believe that if Poland were not in NATO (and forbidden from initiating military action with Russia), they would probably have combined with Ukraine to kick Russia's troops back to Moscow by now. They are probably the biggest contributors of all countries to Ukraine in terms of percentage of GDP and percentage of their weaponry. They are probably the angriest country about the invasion not named Ukraine. Putin also wants Poland to hand over $750 billion for the USSR freeing them from Nazi Germany (and imprisoning them under Soviet rule). Poland should tell them that they are paying the $750 billion back one bullet at a time, to be given to a Russian soldier by a Ukrainian soldier as an intermediary. Putin claims that western Poland is gift from Stalin
It has certainly helped them a lot. They did not trust Mr. Putin-Hitler, and they started preparing for war ahead of time. And that is probably why they are still an independent country right now, slowly defeating the Russian army.
South Africa agrees to arrest Putin if he should wander into South Africa. Our favorite Criminal-in-Chief is no longer welcome to visit the land of milk and honey. South African authorities agree to issue arrest warrant for Putin