That’s why I asked if you were an election denier. As we know from the events of late 2020, that’s a sure sign you’re loony.
The prize du jour is Putin’s head on a platter. Biden, Blinken and Austin fessed up to it in early 2022. Actually, that was them finally saying the quiet part out loud. And I suspect the word had been gotten out to Putin awhile back.
But he had nothing to do with 9/11. Further, he was contained to his little hole in the ground and wasn't going to do crap. We had him right where we wanted him. Stay in your hole and you'll be fine. Pop your head out and get ready for a baseball bat to your skull. Waste of money. Waste of lives. Waste of positive worldwide support after 9/11. Created unnecessary political strife. Created ISIS. Created a client state for Iran. . . . It was literally - on every level - a complete failure. Much like this moronic move by Putin, who just pissed away every gain of the last 20 years.
No. My takeaway from that was that we need a comprehensive revamping of the system. In particular, certain states need to get their act together and get the votes in a timely manor. If Florida (the former electoral whipping boy) can get all its votes in a timely major, so can smaller, less diverse states. But, of course, we delve into the fake election crap instead of addressing the real issue.
And he laid it right there on the stump for them. Nobody to blame but him for that. Remember the part nobody talks about. If this goes to plan (as 90% of people thought) we're not having this conversation. It's 2014 all over again and he's thumbing his nose at the west once again. But it didn't. Instead he ends up showing his ass and balls. If you expected the West/NATO to pick him up, brush him off and make sure he's okay, I've got some swampland to sell you.
To be fair, I don't see that ever happening here again. We have elections decided by less than 1% (DeSantis/Gillum) and we know by 10 p.m. What's Pennsylvania's excuse? Arizona? And the rest of the clowns who couldn't get their votes counted in a timely and efficient manor.
Using that insane logic every country on earth except maybe "Switzerland" can just pound and take whatever they want? Whenever they want? I kinda thought the Bronze Age was over, but then again........
“Being an enemy of America is dangerous, but being a friend of America is fatal.” — Henry Kissinger —
So? You ignored the premise, which is to say, even if, arguably, we were wrong for invading Iraq the sed time, why does that change the view of Russia?!?! They are invading, and murdering people for no legitimate purpose. Not only do two wrongs not make a right, but neither Russia nor Ukraine were involved in the Iraqi war.
Another inane trope that intentionally misses the point. At least you’re staying on a twisted, fluid and disturbed message.
*sighs* how often do I have to explain that Putin knew that the US was readying Ukraine to be used as a gun platform to oust him and weaken his country ? Biden, Blinken and Austen said it!
We really didn't know that at the time. There was a lot of smoke in and around Hussein (e.g.--missing passports from Kuwaiti embassy from when he occupied it, had shown up in '93 bombing of WTC bombers....), and AFTER 9/11, there was zero room for error. ...and say what you want about us not finding WMD...Hussein continued to play shell games (to what end?) with the UN investigators clear through 9/11/2001. That's 10 years AFTER Gulf 1. Dude was muckin' with fire, when the US was in no mood to play. "Play stupid games, win stupid prizes". TBL, we were well justified in going into Iraq; unfortunately though, the war effort was undermined by the cancerous apologetic globalists who have subsumed the Dem party and the Left in this country--and I'll have to leave it at that (remainder deleted/edited out), other than...I desperately pray that we're not sucked into any war at all within the foreseeable future. Not that I'd ever want to go to war, but at this particular juncture in history... I don't like our odds in any war, even if we went to war with Canada.
Amazing! He just did it for us. Literally could not have served his own head up any better. Lastly, what does that comment even mean? "Gun platform"? "to weaken his country". Could he/you be more intentionally vague? So, are you and Putin saying that a NATO invasion was inevitable? If so, then why aren't we doing it now? And why are we putting shackles on Ukraine (limiting what they can target)? I'll tell you why. Because Putin is a fucking coward of the highest order. And we're afraid that if NATO troops get involved, then it really, really goes bad for the Russian forces. And king coward might launch a nuke. That's how much of a pussy he is and that's what we're worried about. If the gloves were off, this would have been over 450 days ago. Keep in mind, this is a person who just this week condemned millions in N. Africa and the Middle East to starvation. Because, again, he's a fucking coward.
I knew at the time. I could have told you exactly how this was going to go, a year before we went in. What a weird take to blame it on the current Democratic party. It failed because it was a stupid plan and because these things always fail. I just gave you a long list of strategic losses for us as a direct result of that war. Can you counter those? Because, if you can't, we're wasting our time here.
Seems like you’re enjoying the US’ bluff vicariously. There is a reason why America only fights wars with other countries’ people these days.
Largely from Western sources not shot through with prior hatred for Russia. Secondarily from Western sources that hate Russia, but I have scroll down to paragraph 17. In other words, what do they have to say but trying to hide ?